Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday Beginnings: I Think I’m Back In My Groove

    Once more we come to the beginning of the week, and it seems I am back in my groove as I am making my third post in a row. I'm feeling wide awake today. It feels good to be back in my groove I must admit. Now I feel like I can get back into the game with school. As well as the blog, reading, and writing. I am just a bit giddy with anticipation of what this week holds for me. It feels good to have my energy back for however long I may have it back for.

    I'm going to try and read as much as I can and get some work done on the writing projects I have left dormant for a while. Plus I'm hoping for a writers' meeting this week so I can get opinions on whether I should try and get something published or not. I'm also going to try and do an essay tomorrow. No clue what the prompt will be yet, but I will figure it out on the fly. But that also depends on what happens in counseling today. If counseling keeps bringing up things to right about on Tuesdays I might move essays to Saturdays. But we'll see what happens.

    I'm looking forward to jumping back into Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King after not having been reading it for a while since out book club has been on break. We'll hopefully be meeting tomorrow night, which I am looking forward to greatly. Especially with how this book has been heating up. I'm not going to give any spoilers, but I will say this much. I was not a King fan before reading this book, and now I am into his stuff much more than before. So that alone says something about the power of this book.

    I'm also planning to catch up on a late assignment and start this week's assigned reading. Depending on what option I take I might do the discussion board early this week, but that remains to be seen. The most challenging part with that is sometimes coming up with the other two sources outside of the book. Lately it has been pretty easy though so I am not sure what to expect this week. But it is definitely a day where those Monday Blahs have been shaken off.

    I feel good, I feel confident. I'll probably feel a little less good after counseling but that is ok. It comes with dealing with past traumas. I'm ready for it and not going to let it stop me. I am determined to be productive today. Might even reorganize my bookshelves that so desperately need it if I get the chance among other things. But for now I'm going to go get ready for counseling and take it one step at a time and keep moving forward. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for his closet.*

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