Friday, June 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday: My First Real Apartment

    I know I missed Wednesday post yet again just this cold or whatever it is, is kicking my ass. I'm trying to get back to full capacity as quickly as possible. So far it has been a bit of a rough week, but I am getting there slowly but surely. Though I haven't really been able to do any reading yet this week. I plan to rectify that today. And not just with my text book either. But homework will come first after putting in this blog entry. I have an idea of what I am doing for tonight's assignment I think. Just have to get my sources together to be sure. I'm getting there just have to hang in there and I will get there.

    But today we are talking about my first real apartment, which I only got about a decade ago. While the YMCA was my first place on my own it was not my first real apartment. That honor belongs to a studio apartment on High St.. It was a nice place though a bit cramped with all the stuff I had. But I managed to fit it all in fairly well. Though at first it wasn't very well organized. I was still waiting for my disability after all. But once that came in I got more organized as well as got my first laptop. Of course I also took my first ever bus trip on my own to Vancouver. Yes it was because of a girl.

    While I was my mom redid my whole apartment. I'm still very thankful for this to this day. It was a little more cramped but it had more of a homey feeling to it when I got back. Plus what clutter there was, was more organized as well. I'll admit I made a few tweeks to it after getting home. But for the most part it stayed as my mother had done it up.

    The building itself was kind of insane but it worked. I had a recovering drug addict across the hall who I looked after and helped every time her lights went out. You had the cab driver in the rotating apartment in the front for the longest time that didn't like to be bothered. Then in the other front apartment was a nice guy who all I knew about was that on the weekends he liked to blast classical rock music. I only knew one of my upper floors neighbors and she was a nice lady. The landlord pretty much let us do what we wanted as long as he got his rent and the building stayed in decent shape.

    I sometimes miss that old place when thinking about it. It was an adventure after all. And had a lot of memorable moments as well. Makes me wonder if I will miss this place at all when I get a new apartment down the road or not. Part of me thinks I won't and yet part of me thinks I will. I guess only time will tell. For now I have homework calling so I had better get to it. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study.*

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