Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Detroit

    I'm actually a little earlier than I have been in a while. And don't worry nothing bad has happened in Detroit quite the opposite in fact. Though you might not hear it in the mainstream media since they only really like to report on bad news for the most part. Sorry still a little cranky not enough coffee in my system yet. Working on fixing that though, but I can only drink so fast. But it is a good Monday for the most part. The sun is shining and I just got applications sent out for a new apartment. Which I hope I will get quickly. Plus I'm getting a ride to an appointment so I don't have to leave early for it. But that doesn't help you understand the title of today's column now does it.

    Well to explain that you would have to be reading the same things I have been reading over the past few months on Facebook and now in May's issue of National Geographic Magazine. All of them talking about Detroit. And not in a bad way or a poor Detroit type of way either. They are all talking about how Detroit is rebuilding itself. From people buying up properties on their blocks to repair and be landlords of. To whole neighborhoods having a cleanup the neighborhood day every week. As well as a program that helps writers own homes in Detroit.

    It is inspiring to see Detroit rebuilding and reshaping itself. I see it being a big arts city wants more and maybe being known more for it in the future than just as the motor city. It will take time there is no doubt about it. But it is the beginning of a movement in Detroit to rise from the ashes like a mighty Phoenix. They are planting urban gardens and starting businesses as well. They are determined to restore Detroit to its former glory.

    It makes one want to join in with the rebuilding and restoring of Detroit. If I didn't have the roots and reasons I do for staying where I am right now I might just head out there. And I applaud anyone that jumps at the chance to make a start there. It isn't easy I'm sure but I'm also sure it is worth it in the long run. It also makes one step back and realize that no matter where you live you have to invest in your community along with taking pride in it.

    And when problems arise work within the community to help bring about change to fix them. I know that sounds like a big task, and sometimes people can be stubborn. But they can also be reasonable when presented with logic. At least I like to think so. As much as the world keeps throwing at me to say otherwise I keep having faith in the human race. Some days are harder than others I will admit. But I keep trucking along. Thinking about this gives me some ideas for the rest of the week.

    I mean going on a side track I was just told today to try and get out more and the library could use some mire patronage. I might go down there a couple days this week and see what is going on down there. We'll see, I mean after all it is one way I can invest in the community. And I do need to work on getting my library card. It is at least a start.

    I hope you have a good Monday as mine is improving and yes it is partly thanks to having more coffee as I have been writing this. Feel free to leave comments below on what you think about the rebuilding of Detroit or what you can do to invest in your community. For now I have to run since I think my ride is just about here. *Tips his hat and walks out the door to catch his ride.*

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