Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Cassy

    I'm definitely falling into a groove again even though it mean you are getting the blog a bit later in the day than I had planned for. But I was also up late last night tackling school work, and I must say I feel very accomplished. Learned that when working I have to listen to music and not podcasts. Though it does result in me dancing as I am working, which is still an interesting thing for me. But it also brings back memories as well. And like I said Thursday you get a look at my romantic interest today. And I won't keep you in suspense any longer.

    Her name is Cassy and she makes me smile every day. She is constantly cheering me on in whatever I do no matter what it is. And when I am upset she is right there to comfort me and tell me everything will be ok. Or just get me laughing with a good story. She accepts me for all my flaws though I think she is holding out for me to quit smoking, which I am working on. She lends me strength when I feel weak and a good kick in the butt when I need it. We compete with each other over grades in a friendly way and I enjoy it. I'm always happy when she comes to visit. Heck the last time she surprised me with a visit I practically tackle hugged her.
    She even inspires some of my writing and helps me form it out in my head as well. She is also a great cuddler. Every time I talk to her the room day seems to get brighter. I keep trying to get her to let me take her out but she refuses unless she can pay her own way. I may not have much but what I do have I want to share with her and spoil her with. But she just says no I don't need to be spoiled. Another good thing is my mom and that side of the family likes her as well as all of my closest friends that have met her. She fits right in with everyone. Though she seems baffled as to why. I wish she would have more confidence in herself.
    It feels so right being around her. Like it is just natural for her to be there with me. When she is not around or I am not talking to her the world doesn't seem as bright or full of life. She always has my back which makes me feel more secure in life. I feel safe being vulnerable to her. Like she won't think less of me no matter what. You know that one person you can always turn to. Even above friends and family. And she is so gorgeous yet she doesn't see it. I wish she could look through my eyes just once.
    I'll leave it there for now, but this is not the end of hearing about Cassy. There will be more in the future you can be sure. Feel free to leave comments below about your love interests or people in your pasts that have been like Cassy is to me. For now I think I will read while Cassy has a chance to read this. *Tips his hat and walks out the door whistling happily as he heads to the library.*

1 comment:

  1. Aww Chris. I love this. I am happy to say I married my best friend and Now Jeremy and I have been together for 14 years now and married for 11 years!
