Thursday, June 18, 2015

Throwback Thursday: My Friend, Theanna

    I know I'm a bit later than I have been most of this week, but had a morning appointment. Feeling pretty good today yet for some reason dreading doing school work today. Just not into it for some reason, but I will force myself into it somehow. I'm determined to get it done today. At least the one assignment due that is. Got to do a bit of reading earlier today as well as talk to my friend, Theanna, who we will be discussing today. Just seems like getting my butt into gear is a bit difficult today, not sure why. After all I'm feeling pretty good and have a good amount of energy. I'll get there though I'm sure of it. But I was reminded today of how good it is to be back in contact with Theanna.

I've known her for about 25 years now. We met in fifth grade, both not in the in crowd. And both bookworms, which she still is to this day. When I met her she was in a shell of sorts and it took some doing to get her to come out of it. But she did slowly. She helped me keep my sanity through elementary school when I was being bullied. We could talk about everything for the most part in those days. Though it normally came back to books with how we were. You'd often find the two of us in the library during recess using the Encyclopedia CD-ROM. We spend countless hours exploring that thing and soaking up knowledge. Unfortunately back in that period of time we never got to work on any projects together. Probably better for her grade that we didn't though.
    After elementary school I lost touch with her for a couple of years when I went to Portland. When I came back for high school in Gorham and saw her I was enchanted. She was as gorgeous as a goddess. And still as sweet and caring as she had been when I left. Though she had opened up more I noticed. We picked up where we had left off for the most part with her also introducing me to some new friends. And it took me everything I had to tell her I liked her as more than a friend. Though I kept blowing my chances I admit. Even when I moved back to Portland a year or so later she made an effort to keep in touch. I also kept sneaking onto the USM Bus to Gorham to come visit her. Skipping afternoon classes to do it.
    But eventually we lost contact until this thing called Facebook arrived in my life. Then I found her again. She is still gorgeous and sweet and caring and we have picked up where we left off as friends. She is married now and happily I might add and has a kid. Man the time does fly. But I am determined this time not to lose contact with her. She stuck by me through so many of the hard times and saw me at my worst and still was willing to be by my side. So now that I am doing a lot better I want her at my side as an advisor and a friend if not family. I do my best to check in on her every day and see how she's doing. I'm not sure if she knows how important she is to me yet, but I think this might just show her that. We have come a long way in 25 years and I look forward to the next 25 years.
    Maybe Saturday I will tell you about the woman I am chasing romantically. It would make for an interesting connector to this piece. You'll have to wait and see. For now feel free to leave comments about your oldest friends or most special friends below. As for me I've got to get to hitting the books since I have an assignment due tonight. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study.*

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