Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: The Supreme Court’s Ruling On Same Sex Marriage

            I do apologize for there not being a column yesterday, just sometimes it takes me longer to craft a story than one day. This one is looking like it will be a bit long too, fair warning. Today is still a bit sluggish but working on getting past it as best as I can. Coffee as usual is being a big help in that. Still the procrastinator in me is trying to come out at every turn, and I keep blocking him as best as I can. I haven’t succeeded in getting out this week, but I am going to try again next week and see what happens. Also going to add to it to try and work at my desk at least a couple times next week. Going to add it to my to do list. Usually when I add things to there they get done. Eventually it will be able to come off there and just be natural but for now it will have to go there. Change is never easy after all and sometimes it even has to come with a court ruling like it did yesterday.
            And I applaud the Supreme Court’s Ruling. I know there are some who are extremely unhappy with it as is the case with any ruling. But what if it was them who was being told they couldn’t marry how would they feel then. I think they would probably feel the same as the LBGTQ community. Of course they would say it would never happen or that isn’t the same because there right is by divine law. For once people try to pull your heads out of your asses and try to see it from the perspective of someone else. Walk in the shoes of someone else for once in your life. I understand not believing in it and no one is asking you to have the service in your churches, they just want the right to be legally married. Which is different from a church wedding though some may get married in churches that allow it. But that is up to each individual church to decide whether or not to allow.
            Why is it so hard for us as a species to treat each other civilly and with decency? We are always judging one another or putting someone down it seems. I get that we can all do something that annoys others but that doesn’t require putting them down for it. Just let them be or ask them to stop when they are around you. If you don’t like someone just be civil when they are around but don’t associate with them it is that simple. We don’t have to judge everyone on what they do every second of every day.
            I swear sometimes the world makes no sense to me. But I am gradually learning to accept it for what it is as best as I can. Even as I try to make a difference in it. And tomorrow I think I will be doing my view on marriage as well in the spiritual column. For now feel free to leave comments on what you think of the ruling and how you think humanity can improve. For now I have a final project to get back to working on that is due this week. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study.*


  1. People like to wrap their unease in religion. "I don't WANT to hate them, but God says I have to so ....there you go". My approach is hate whoever you like, just accept that the hatred is your own problem. Don't try to make it my problem or their problem. If you want to pretend it is your God's problem that is between you and your deity of choice.
    David Halperen

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