Thursday, June 4, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Life At The YMCA

            I apologize for us not being in the library yesterday, but I was extremely tired. Seems I have been that way a lot lately. But I saw my psychiatrist today and we made a plan to hopefully combat this rash of oversleeping. For those that do not know I battle depression on a constant basis and I’m usually pretty good at it. But lately I have been faltering a bit. I will get through it though. I am blessed to have wonderful friends and family that help me when I get in these funks. And I am thankful every day for them being part of my life.
            Today we look at one of those interesting times in my life where I was scared at first as well as depressed. But it got better. I’m sure my experience is unusual for people getting out on their own for the first time.  It was exciting getting into the YMCA because it got me off the streets. But I was nervous that first night walking into my room. I made my bed and crawled into it, but it took me forever to fall asleep. I could hear every noise throughout the place it seemed like. Every little clink and clang. Every time someone coughed or had a nightmare. Finally I just passed out.
            The next day I moved in some stuff to make it easier for me to cope with being there and tried to just stay out of the way basically. Soon after I managed to acquire a semi working mini fridge. It never quite worked right for me but kept everything cold unless you tried using the freezer part of it. It was shortly after this I met Vic and then Tim. Since then me and Tim have had each other’s back through tons of crap. Tim was still working crazy hours at this point so I had moved in my television and stereo and stand and a microwave.  I was basically running the place since most of that stuff most other people couldn’t have in their rooms.
            I had it all decked out and everything and things were fine until summer when it got scorching hot so Tim let me crash in his room where it was cooler. I kept passing out on the bed and he would sleep on the floor. Eventually we got into a routine of going out all night to a local convenience store and hanging out. As well as stocking up on supplies then coming back as the sun was coming up and sleeping most of the day away before eating what we had brought back. Then we would start the cycle over again for the most part.
            Even after Tim had left the YMCA I would just have to wait till he came around to see me. Since they would just send him up to my room along with pretty much anyone else who came to see me at night. In between going to hang with Tim at his places I would make stuff to eat and watch television mostly as well as sleep. All in all the YMCA was a pretty cool place to be for the most part.
            Stay tuned for next week when I tell you about my first apartment that was one crazy building. But I hope you enjoyed hearing a little bit about my life at the YMCA. Feel free to leave comments on your first place when you first got out on your own. For now I smell dinner calling my name. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the kitchen.*

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