Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Starting Down The Road To Recovery

            I know I keep going silent. Between school and battling my latest round of depression on top of a cold it has been hard lately. I will try to get back on top of things going forward this week. It seems I am coming out of my latest bout of depression though so that helps. Now just to get everything back on schedule. But it is still a long road to recovery, which is what we are talking about today.
            As I talked about last week I have a lot of trauma in my life. And part of my recovery is dealing with all of that. But first I have to be prepared to face it full head on. Honestly I’m not sure how long that will take, but I’m willing to put in the work to get it done. Part of it will be through vitamins and meds to help me cope while I am doing the work. I’m also sure it will result in many sleepless nights from nightmares as well. But it is worth it to get better.
            Sometimes you have to go through hell to get to a better place, and I know this is one of those times. And I’m willing to do it. Though I can’t see it having the outcome my counselor does I have faith that it will. Sometimes that is also all you have to go on as well. I know it will be a long road and that I am only starting out on it. But I will get through it eventually. Especially with my friends and family supporting me. I won’t lie I am a little nervous and scared but I think that is normal.
            Now knowing all of this and what it is doing to me I could easily just say to hell with my schedule. But I’m not going to do that. I’m going to fight with myself to try and follow my schedule. All through when I was growing up I had someone to enforce my schedules that I had at least to some degree, but now I only have myself to enforce my schedule. And I have to try and get used to that somehow. And what better time to start then now.
            As for the rest of this week I will be doing a thank you post tomorrow and Thursday I will be covering my first apartment. Friday I am still working on a story idea. And then Saturday and Sunday are up in the air as far as what they will be about. But for now I need some coffee. Feel free to leave comments and questions below. Share this post with your friends and family as well. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the coffee brewer.*

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