Sunday, June 21, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: Father’s Day

    I'm writing this on Saturday night instead of my usual routine of getting up in the morning and writing it, because I know tomorrow is going to be a rough day for me. It's Father's Day and I don't get to see my son on it. I haven't seen my son in years to be honest. He got taken from me by the State when his mom's house was criminally dirty and then mine wasn't clean enough to take him right away. Then they used my Epilepsy and mental illness to take my parental rights away. I admit though that back then I wasn't the best dad in the world though I was trying and had help. I would have done better if given a second chance too.

    And no this won't be an overly religious post, but it will be a bit of a lecture to the dads out there. Because I know as a parent we only get one shot at it. We only get one run with the ball so to speak. There are no do overs in life as a parent. I wish there was a button that said do over so that I could still have my son but there isn't.

So dads I know sometimes you may be tired or just want to watch something on television, but when you kid(s) wants to spend time with you take advantage of it. You only get so much time to spend with them before they get too busy with their lives to be able to spend as much time as you will want to spend with them some day. And trust me then you will regret all those times you blew off spending times with your kid(s). Take that extra time at night to read to them or even a little extra time in the morning to see them off to school. And sit down with them when they are young and do homework with them it will mean a great deal to them down the road.

I know this all probably sounds preachy but trust me it is important stuff in the long run. And you will be glad for hearing it in the end. It takes more than just putting a roof over their head and food in their bellies to be a good dad. And I know not all of you dads out there think like that, but if some of you do I want to reach out to you. To make you hear from someone who went through that that it is not the way. To hear from someone who lost the most precious thing in the world to him that you have to do more before it could be too late.

Trust me before you know it they are all grown up. I hear parents in my own generation marveling at how fast their kids are growing up. So I figure what better time to reach out to dads than on Father's Day. Feel free to leave comments below saying what you think of this advice or favorite memories of time spent with your kids. After posting this I am going to go call my dad and wish him a Happy Father's Day. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the phone.*

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