Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thursday Throwback: Saturday Morning Cartoons

Another night of insomnia, this is getting old fast. But I figure while I’m for now I might as well start on today’s column. I might even pull an all nighter and stay up all day. At least that way I might get some sleep at night instead of sleeping all day. Especially when I have an assignment due today. Pretty sure I can get it in fairly quickly too. I’ve even gotten some writing done outside of the blog lately. Been reading a good amount this week as well. So I’ll see how the rest of the week pans out but as I said in the beginning of the week it seems I am getting back into my groove.
            But as the week is coming to an end it makes me remember Saturday Morning Cartoons. Something I watched from when I was very young till into my young adult hood. I’d still be watching them too if not for my lack of a good television and my lack of watching television other than Netflix. But I have noticed changes over the years in cartoons. When I was younger they were more story driven and gave credibility to the viewer’s intelligence. All be it they were designed to sell toys as well. But now a days the intelligence in cartoons has seemed to have gone downhill. And there seems to be a lack of story in a great majority of them. Like you get a story for an episode and then next episode everything is back to the way it was before. Unlike cartoons when I was younger where there was more overreaching plots in cartoons from episode to episode.
            The only place now that I find there to be an overreaching plot that goes from episode to episode for the most part is in anime. I am sure there are other cartoons with it outside of there but they are few and far between. Though it seems to be turning around now in American Cartoons and they are starting to put long term plot back into them slowly. Mostly with comic book cartoons. But I think it will spread eventually. At least that is my hope.
            Maybe then I will invest in a television again and once more be an overgrown kid looking forward to Saturday morning cartoons. I would enjoy that a lot even more if I could do it with my own son in the years to come. I think I will also show him some of the classics I grew up on as well through Netflix. There are other things I will share with him but that is not in the framework of this column today. I think after I get done homework tonight I might go watch some of those old cartoons, maybe. Speaking of homework I hear it calling my name as we speak. Feel free to leave comments below about your favorite cartoons even if they were movies. Tomorrow I will be doing the story I was going to do last week before I got riled up. For now I am off to study. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the study.*

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