Friday, June 19, 2015

My Response To The Charleston Shooting

    I know it's Friday and you were expecting to see a story here. And I'll be honest I woke up and started in with a story like normal. But the news kept coming at me about The Shooting in Charleston. So I'm taking it on faith that someone up there wants me to put my two cents worth in. That someone wants me to enter the fray once more. So be it.

    So listen up every racist, every bigot, and every hate monger in general that can read this. I'm putting you on notice. If I see you step foot near anywhere I am you are asking for the whooping of a lifetime to end all lifetimes. And not just because it is right, but also because you are a threat to my family. And I will protect my family at all costs. It ends now. Stop your campaigning, your fundraising, your preaching. I have had enough. As have millions of other Americans, and it is time we stood up and squashed you like the cockroach you are.

    It's about time I stepped up and claimed my responsibilities as an American to defend those who are in danger from you. You are welcome to put me on your lists of people to kill, I could care less. Be warned though if you come to kill me though, you better have all your affairs in order. I have had enough of your bullshit for a hundred lifetimes and then some. The buck stops here.

    I don't care who you are, what group you are with, what religion you represent, or where you are from. This shit stops now. It has been going on for too fucking long. You lost your wars face it and move on. Stop preaching hate to our future generations and trying to start it again. I will gladly smack upside the head as many times as you need to get the message through your thick fucking skull.

    I'm not a fan of some things other groups of people do either, but I try to be understanding. Is that too fucking much to ask? Just because someone is not like you doesn't mean they don't have a fucking right to be in this country as a citizen and enjoy the same rights and privileges as you. And if you don't like it you can go shove you fucking head in the snow in Antarctica and stay there. This country would run a hell of a lot better without people like you in it. Don't like it tough shit. *Tips his hat and kicks open the door walking out it to the punching bag.*

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