So I slept in today and it has been a slow start. But I
got a good start on a cup of coffee, and my creative juices are really starting
to flow again. Amazing how that starts to happen sometimes when they are so
silent for a bit. So I am getting that pull to work on some projects that have
laid dormant for a while. It feels good to be honest. Now just finding the time
to get to them is the challenge. Still working on that scheduling problem I
have after all. But it will get there eventually, it is all a matter of balance
as Kim Harrison mentioned in her blog today. Something I am still struggling
with. But I remain confident I will get there eventually. But today we are tackling
an interesting prompt that I am modifying a bit it say what book would you have
the whole world read if you could. I am modifying it to be what would you have
the world read if you could have them read anything? And why? Just to give me
more broad range of my choices. So without further ado on with the show.
Required Reading
If I could make anything required reading for everyone on
the planet I would make it National
Geographic Magazine because they write in a manner that tries to be
understanding to all cultures of the world. Plus they write about science and
history as well. Fostering a curiosity about the world around people in
general. They go to great lengths to be respectful of all cultures as well. No
matter what they are covering. I chose this instead of a book because every
country has its own iconic book that speaks about its culture, but National Geographic Magazine speaks
about all cultures equally. On top of that it covers science all over the world
and sponsored by every country in the world as well.
By making this required reading for the world it would
foster better understanding of other cultures beyond just everyone’s own for
starters. Plus it would make people more curious about history and science as
well. As well as increasingly science and history literate. With better
understanding the world would be a more peaceful place in my view. Plus it
would be easier to see the other person’s perspective when making treaties. Also
we might make greater strides in science working together as well as do better
at protecting historical sites and the planet as a whole. It will spark open
discussions about the environment as well as what should happen in countries
and get people focused on issues that are truly important.
In closing National
Geographic Magazine avoids taking sides and stays neutral on issues for the
most part. But reports the facts and leaves it up to the people to take action.
It tries to show people as they are, which really isn’t much different from
each other among countries aside from wealth. And government regulations. It
lets people decide what they want to do with the information they are given. If
everyone read it in school they might have a better understanding of the world
as a whole and not be in such a bubble as they are when they come out of school
in general. It has to be this magazine because it gives an unfiltered look at
the world as it is now for all the world to see and digest. Let them see their
world so they can change it for the better.
I hope you enjoyed the essay today. Not sure what we will
discuss in the library tomorrow yet, but I am sure it will come to me
eventually. Feel free to leave comments below about what you would make
required reading for the planet. Be it a book or magazine and why. For now I
have to get to studying for this week so I can get some writing time in. Enjoy
your Tuesday. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study.*
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