Sunday, June 14, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: Celebrations

    I finally got a second day in a row, it's a miracle lol. More like I am slowly getting my sleep pattern back under control slowly but surely. Plus this virus is starting to go away slowly. It really likes me for some reason. Doing grocery shopping today with my mother, which I am looking forward to. She is a hoot, trust me you have to know her to understand. Maybe I will have her write a column for me one day when I want a day off. I already know which one she will want to, Thursday's. Just so she can tell embarrassing stories about me, oi. But I suspect that is much like most of your mothers out there. They mean well, but they always manage to find a way to embarrass you.

    Mothers especially like to embarrass us at celebrations. They love to tell stories to people about you when you were a kid. That seems to be a requirement anytime your mother is at a celebration. But celebrations are still fun nonetheless. It is a time to give thanks or to remember and to have joy as well. We do it year round as well. No matter what religion we are. We feast and exchange gifts as well as prayers for good harvests and health.

    Just some of the particulars of how we celebrate are slightly different. Some of us like me are still discovering how we are going to celebrate and what exactly we are going to celebrate. And that is ok, because everyone has to find their own way in their own time. True we all only have so much time in this world, but we each find our way in our own time to our spiritual path.

    But along the way there is plenty of room for all sorts of celebrations and exploring. Plus as you get older you find it is a good chance to spend time with family and friends you don't get to see that often. And that in itself can be uplifting. But for now I think I have rambled enough for one Sunday. So feel free to leave comments below on your thoughts about celebrations or what your favorite celebrations are. For now I need some coffee personally. *Tips his hat and walks out the door once more headed for the brewer.*

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