Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday Insights: How Important Writing Is To Me

    I know I'm a bit late but it has been like a sleepy Sunday around here today. Just with how the air is flowing in the house and the feel of the day. Been talking on the phone half the day to both friends and family and even school advisors. It's all been enjoyable too. I've got a plan in place for school this week and I am going to do my best to follow it. Sleeping a little later than normal today has left me feeling a bit more revived even. Sometimes it is good to go a bit off schedule. I got to read some more Stephen King earlier today and it was tantalizing. Today's prompt is a bit interpretive since there are no words to go with the picture, but I came up a pretty good idea for an essay from it. So without further ado on with the show.

How Important Writing Is To Me
    Every writer values the art form in their own unique way. With their own rules and believes about it. So I have to come to a point in my writing career where I ask myself how important this art form is to me. To my life. Truth be told I have always been a storyteller so it is a natural fit. Though as a youngster it was mostly to get out of trouble or try to impress my peers. And I have walked away from the art form before, and it taught me that it is as much a part of me as I am a part of it.
    Now I have said it before that I suffer depression and I will probably tell it again. But even just rolling over in bed and writing up this blog every day when I am going through an episode of being down in that dark hole helps me feel a bit better each day. It helps me pull myself slowly up out of that darkness of lethargies, laziness, and just being unable to move. Other times it helps me free myself from emotions as well as I write just what I am feeling to you. As I pour my heart out to you. Like I am doing today.
    Then there are the good days when my hands are flying over the keyboard also like today. And my mind is racing with words and images and everything is just coming to me at a rapid pace. Almost too rapid to contain as I type. It feels amazing on these days. Like a higher power is flowing through me or even an alternate world of sorts when writing fiction. All the characters talk to me and act out what they want to do on the page, as crazy as that sounds. But I can see it all in my head, and I take it from there and put it on the page. On both the good days and the bad days I treasure it as a gift.
    Because when I don't write for any length of time I feel empty inside and incomplete. Then when I come back to it and start putting words to paper or computer screen as it might be. The flame of it all feel me full again. I feel alive once more and whole. Writing is ingrained in my life's blood as much as any part of DNA. I can't live without it and it most certainly cannot live without me. At least for the pieces that I write or have started. It fills me up when I am so empty and allows me to express my emotions when I can't any other way. It takes away my pain and suffering as they hit me.
    So how important is writing to me? It is as important as air. Even if I just get to right a few hundred words a day in my worst of times. It lets me be whole and brings me peace. It can be a powerful weapon when I need it to be. I know I was born with it being part of me and I treasure it. It is as much a part of me as an arm or a leg or any of my organs. When they find me dead in the end it will probably be in front of a computer writing.
    I hope you enjoyed the essay. This one especially came from the heart. Feel free to leave comments below about how much writing means to you or telling me about something that means as much to you as writing does to me. Tomorrow we will finally have the big thank you post I have been wanting to write for the past three weeks. For now I'm going to take a short twenty minute break and go read then back to writing. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the library.*

1 comment:

  1. This was powerful Chris. I knew writing was for me since I was a child. As an older sibling I began writing by the age of 7 and it gave me a way to escape all of the problems in my own family. Sadly we didn't grow up with much and my siblings and parents really struggle so writing became an escape into another world and slowly but surely I learned early on I could create a great story. Loved how you shared how this has helped you with your depression and in your own life. Great one!
