Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: It’s Been Another Rough Week

    I'm working on getting back into my groove at least it is only one day now I go silent for at a time. I'll have to really out do myself when I get a story in for Friday I think. But beyond my petty sleep problems and virus problems it has been a week of lose for Hollywood and the wrestling world. Seemed like at least one a day this week all week. At least one of them made me start to feel old, and that was Dusty Rhodes.

    What made me feel old from his passing was the fact that I grew up watching him in the ring compete. I watched him from the time he came in till he retired. And when your childhood heroes start dying as they have over the years recently you start to begin to feel old. Not old like ancient, just old in general. Makes you realize you have only so much time, and wonder how much time you have left. As well as hope you have enough time left to get done what you want to get done.

    This is why I started really thinking about taking care of my health more, and when the door to college was opened to me I took it. I saw a chance to leave a mark on the world in some fashion as well as make my son proud to call me his father. Plus if I get myself in better shape and eat better I can live longer and get more done. As well as spend more time with my friends and family while I can. And some of the changes to my diet have been pretty easy. Though I wish I could get some more seafood into it. But that will come in time.

    This also makes me want to study harder. Though I have not always been the world's best student. I can hope this new inspiration will transfer into better grades starting today. But only time and what I put into it will tell. With today I plan to study for my upcoming quiz and plan a bit for my final project for the term. I have a general idea of what I want to do. I'm just not completely sure how to make it all come together yet.

    I've also got spiritual studies tonight to do so I can be fresh for tomorrow's column. So much to do so little time. Thank goodness for coffee, which I am running low on in my cup at the moment. About that time to get some more. Feel free to leave comments and memories of Dusty below. For now I am off to get more coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the brewer.*

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