Friday, February 27, 2015

Story Time Friday: Sharing The World Of Literature With A New Generation

    So this week's Story Time is interesting since I got the prompt from my book for next term, and it will pop up again at times. Basically it has me writing a story about a mundane job though I'm still working on trying to find a better way to write it. And since I couldn't sleep much last night this should be out earlier than usual. Today's take on the writing prompt will be inspired from Dangerous Minds and my own life experiences. So without further ado on with the show.
Prompt: Pick a fairly mundane job and write a short story about it in your own vision of it staying as true to the job as you can.
Sharing The World Of Literature With A New Generation

    Charlie was running a bit behind for his first English Class of the year, he knew it would be rough since he had gone to this school as a kid himself. But he was determined to open the world of literature to his students. He knew it would be doubly hard since he was the new guy on the block and word had already spread through the school. But he wasn't intimated. To be intimated in this school was the first step to signing your own death warrant, and that was far from Charlie's agenda.
    As he neared his classroom Charlie prepared for the mental stress he was about to endure. Then he opened the door and walked in black leather trench coat flowing behind him as he walked in to stand before his class. He stood before them calmly removed his coat and hung it on the back of his chair.
    "Good morning class I apologize for being late I'm Mr. Baker and I am your English Teacher. You have two choices I can treat you as young adults or children. The choice is up to you, He started out. "I was once in those same desks as you sit now and had to make the same choice I'm giving you. You choose wisely you may be the teacher someday or whatever you aspire to be. You know actually I think my name may be carved in one of those desks you are sitting at."
    At his last comment the class chuckled, but it was a respectful chuckle. Everyone even checked their desk to see if they might have his name carved in their desk. One kid found it and had him come over so he could show him. Charlie walked to the back and nodded as he saw smiling at it. One of the rougher looking kids across the aisle tried to take a cheap shot at him and he caught it shrugging it off.
    As he walked to the front in reply to the attack he said, "Like I said I've been in those desks before you. I know all the tricks you will try and pull. Now you can try your best and pass or better, or you can just waste your time and repeat the class with a less cool teacher. You see I'm not here to be the boss, I'm here to be a leader and work with you to help you learn what the course wants you to learn."
    One kid raised his hand and asked, "Why do you want to help us?"
    "I was waiting for that question and the answer is simple. I was once in your shoes until a teacher helped me, and changed the road I was walking down. Now it is my turn to do the same," He answered smiling as he remembered his mentor.
    One of the rougher kids raised his hand and said, "I don't like to read. How am I going to pass this class?"
    "I knew I would find at least one person claiming not to like reading. See no one likes to read till they find the right type of book. With the right subject or the right writer. And I'm just crazy enough to try every book in the library to find the right one for every one of you," Charlie countered.
    After this the class went mostly silent with whispers among themselves and Charlie let them have some time to digest all he had said to them. He figured he would start them off slowly, no reason to blow their minds completely yet. So he went to the chalk board and wrote books in a circle in the center of the chalkboard with lines coming off of it.
    A kid in the front row named Ron raised his hand and asked, "What's that Mr. Baker?"
    "This is a brainstorming exercise from when I was a kid. Our topic is books, and our goal as a class is to map out everything we can think of about books. From genres we like to read to even titles to music we like to listen when reading to places we like to read," Charlie answered smiling.
    Ron nodded along with the rest of the class. Someone called out Boring. Charlie wrote it down on one of the lines and circled it. That started to give the class the idea of how it worked. They started calling out answers one by one growing the brainstorm till it covered the whole board. It had every sort of idea you could imagine on it. Charlie smiled looking at it before turning to face the class.
    "Now copy this down, because it will help you with your homework assignment. I want one page single space and two pages if double spaced on books and you. You have all the inspiration you need right up here on the board thanks to you and your classmates," Charlie instructed.
    Charlie watched as they copied everything down and wrote the assignment down. He knew he had won round one, but that there would be harder battles than the first day of class. But he had plenty of tricks left up his sleeve still, and he planned to pull out all the stops to get these kids through his class as well as high school if need be.
To Be Continued Elsewhere.
    I know I know I'm such a tease but this story has gotten bigger than even my blog can contain. How big remains to be seen. I'll keep you posted though. I hope you enjoyed it though. *Tips hat and goes back to writing.*

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Late Wednesdays

    Interesting title I know, but it refers to the fact that there was late arrival on Wednesdays when I was going to high school in Gorham. Of course I always used to arrive early and hang out with my friends in the cafeteria and talk about various things. It was my first writing group, and where I learned about a lot of things geeky. Such as how to play Magic: The Gathering better, and about RPGs, Role Playing Games. The pen and paper kind. I already knew about the video game kind by then.

    I formed a lot of lasting friendships in those one and a half years, and even found ways to come back and enjoy them after I had left Gorham to return to Portland. I would get homework done as fast as possible on Tuesdays when I got home and spend hours upon hours on my writing no matter what it was I was working on. I wanted to have plenty of material to bring with me on Wednesday Morning. Unfortunately this often led to me having a lot of bad material as well.

    But Theanna and LeeAnn who were the ones to most often look over my work were gracious with their constructive feedback. They were never too harsh, and always trying to make it better. Even with it being cliché or just out right terrible as I think of it now. But it was my first exploration into the joy of writing and I don't think they wanted to kill it. We also talked about homework at times as well and if I remember right we even compared notes on some assignments.

    Wednesday was also the day I always raided the soda machine as well. I usually drank two and sold the rest at a profit, which gave me back my lunch money by lunch time. Even back then I was a caffeine junky. Still am today, hence the coffee habit I have. It keeps me going during the day, but doesn't keep me up at night.

    I still remember the frantic printing going on, on Wednesday Mornings, because I hadn't gotten everything printed out on Tuesday Night before bed. All the while getting ready for school so that I wouldn't miss my bus. Being frantic and excited all at the same time to hang out with my friends with it just being us and the frantic part about missing the bus.

    Eventually the school got wind of it, and first they made it so you had to have a pass to come in early. Then they made it so you couldn't be in the cafeteria early. Finally they just stopped letting high school students come in early at all from what I heard. I don't know why we made them so nervous we were all good kids, but then again it was near the time of Columbine and all the other school shootings. When every school was being paranoid. But that is how us Americans react to anything violent we get paranoid about anything similar or out of the ordinary for us. That is meant as in general not to mean everyone.

    Sadly I miss those Wednesday Mornings, but I still have most of my friends from those days. Even as things have changed over the years. And some of them are even in my new writing group as we speak. Sometimes the past and the present go hand in hand. *Tips hat and walks out the door looking for more coffee.*

Wednesday In The Library: Kory M. Shrum

    So I know I'm running late again today, but I needed a nap after tackling this week's school work. As well as setting up and starting on next term's work load. It's my first fiction writing workshop and I'm just a little excited. I enjoy my writing classes a lot. More so than some of my reading classes so far but they will probably equal out by the time I'm done my Bachelor's Degree or come close to it at the very least.
    This week in the library we are talking about author Kory M. Shrum who has written the books Dying For A Living, Dying By The Hour, and the soon to be released Dying For Her all titles in The Jesse Sullivan Series. She has also written the short stories Blind and Dive. She is a very talented author in whatever she pursues in her writing career. She is also wonderful to talk to in the Google Hangouts she has held at her book release parties to date.
    I won't spoil any of her works for you, but I do encourage you to go pick them up since they are very affordable. She is good to her fans like that. Her main character that she works with Jesse Sullivan is witty and sarcastic among other things, and will have you laughing all through her books. Ally, Jesse's assistant and best friend among other things, will give you a softer view of things throughout the books and just makes your heart break at times. Brinkley can be frustrating at times and mysterious in the first two books, but we are supposed to get answers in the forthcoming third book in the series about him, Dying For Her. I look forward to finding out more about him and his past as well as what he has been doing in the shadows during all of this.
    Kory M. Shrum is also known for her charity work as is most notable with her short story, Blind, where she donated all the money made from it to The Dreaming Zebra Foundation. A charity providing support so that young adults can explore and develop their creativity in the arts. A very noble cause in a time when funding for the arts is being cut from our education system still despite the value it has in people's lives, which has been shown time and time again.
    I'm not free of bias though, I mean after all I have won multiple prizes from Kory M. Shrum including a copy she used for editing the second book of The Jesse Sullivan Series with editing notes and all. I consider it one of the prize possessions in my library. If you want to keep up with her you can at I recommend it she is a great writer and gives good advice and interesting stories. Plus great giveaways among other things.
    As you can tell I'm a big fan, but check Kory M. Shrum out for yourself and see what you think. I'm sure most if not all of you will enjoy her writing. But only you can decide for yourself. Let me know what you think in the comments I look forward to a good literary discussion, but for tonight it is getting late so I have to go for now, but I'll be back tomorrow and hopefully earlier. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of coffee.*

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday Insights: What Dairy Queen Blizzard Am I

    So today is the first of the essay prompts for Tuesday Insights and I've been chomping at the bit for this one. For those that don't know Dairy Queen is a widespread ice cream and to a lesser extent a fast food chain. The Blizzard is their signature ice cream dish with ice cream and various treats whipped together basically. I'd say blended but then I'm afraid I would make people think of a shape or frappe. And I'll be honest I haven't yet been able to decide which one I am yet so you will be getting to see me think this out loud in the blog. So without further ado on with the show.

My Inner Dairy Queen Blizzard
    So I was looking at the Dairy Queen Menu to prepare for this prompt and I narrowed it down to two Blizzards as my choices as to which one defines me as a person. One is the Strawberry Cheesecake, and the other is the Choco Cherry Love. But now I have to figure out which one defines me more or if I have to go back to the drawing board.
    First we'll start with the Strawberry Cheesecake. It defines me in the sense that I'm sweet, thick, rich (culturally), and mostly easy going. I wish I was rich in other ways than culturally but unfortunately I'm not there yet. And I'm not afraid to admit having a thick body though it will hopefully become a bit slimmer during this year. And I'm sweet in general, it's just my nature most of the time. As well as being easy going though I do speak my mind and in debates I can get heated as I freely admit. Plus I'm smooth when it comes to talking in a tense situation I must add.
    Next we go to the Choco Cherry Love. This one defines me again with the sweet aspect as well as being smooth along with having a bit of bite to it. Plus it is thick, rich, and mostly easy going. And I am a romantic at heart so the love part fits. And I do have a bit of bite to me even being as easy going as I am. I just prefer to talk things out when I can. And Cherries are sweeter than Strawberries which goes better with me as much as I like Strawberries.
    I think in this case what would be my favorite Blizzard to have won't be the one that defines me, which doesn't please me. But the prompt asked what Blizzard defines me as a person not what was my favorite Blizzard. And they both do define me, but one defines me a bit more than another is all.
    In the end it is a hard choice, but ultimately the Blizzard that defines me as a person is Choco Cherry Love. Though the ironic part is I would want to order the Strawberry Cheesecake to eat more likely between the two. Because as much as the Choco Cherry Love defines me as a person in traits it leaves one thing out and that is that I'm a Cheesecake fan at heart as well. Sometimes life is ironic.
    So there you have it the Blizzard that defines me and all the ironies that go along with it. If you agree or disagree feel free to make your case in the comments section below, or feel free to tell me what Blizzard defines you even if just because it is your favorite Blizzard. Use it as an excuse to go to Dairy Queen and do research. *Tips hat and walks out the door headed for Dairy Queen.*

Monday Blahs: Running Late Once More

    You'd think that having a day off I'd be running on time today, but no I'm not. I had to stay up late last night pulling an all-nighter to finish a paper for class, and then slept all day. I would have gotten this up sooner but I had a book club meeting that I had been looking forward to all weekend to attend to first. And it was a blast.

    And I know most people don't have Mondays like that normally, but Mondays are important. They kick off our week and get us headed in the right direction. Besides if we removed Monday we would be complaining about the day that took its place. I know we all enjoy out weekends and time off and want more of it. But things have to get done so there has to be a time back to work eventually, and it just so happens to be Monday in most cases.

    I'm sure some people have a great work schedule where they have tons of time off, but the majority of us have to go back to work on Monday. I only take Sundays off for example and even then I'm working somehow even if you don't see something from me. I sometimes even work on blogs ahead of time, and would have this week if not for the big paper. I'm chomping at the bit for Tuesday's blog entry since it's an essay one and has been eating at me all weekend long.

    Everyone has a day at work they look forward to for most it is Friday. For me it is usually Thursday and Friday since those are my major storytelling days, but it may change over time as I get more experienced at blogging. But even as I have favorite days I still try my best everyday like everyone else. I wish I could be at an office that has pizza parties sometimes because those seem like they would be so much fun to me.

    Even if they would take away from productivity of the whole day it would still bring a boost to productivity overall. I mean the closest I get to that is the few days a month when I get takeout, though that is early in the month. So normally by the end of the month my productivity is starting to lag a bit, but then the beginning of the month hits. And I'm reenergized once more. Eventually I want to be more constant than that, but it will take some time to make happen.

    But it is a work in progress, and getting there. I know it takes time, but sometimes it does get frustrating. Because I want to hurry up and start making money in my profession of writing, just working on thinking of how to do it at first and branch out from there. And I welcome ideas from you, my readers. But as this month is coming to a close I'm not frustrated more inspired and motivated to get things done for projects I'm working on.

    In the immediate future I need to straighten out my sleep pattern so these posts start coming in a more timely fashion. So I'm going to go read a book and leave you with this parting thought. Are Mondays really the worst thing in the world? *Tips his hat and walks out the door in search of his Kindle.*

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Changes Coming And More

    Let's see if I can get this out on time for once this week. It's been a hectic week and one full of late posts. I will probably be taking off tomorrow, but that is not guaranteed yet. I was also noticing something yesterday while going through my writing prompts looking for the one I would use for Story Time Friday and that is that I have a lot of essay prompts for writing. So I got to thinking where can I use these best in the blog. Then it hit me that the best place was Tuesday Insights since they all give a little peek into what I would do as a person. As well as what I think as a person. And it doesn't mean I will use them all the time just when I don't have any pressing issues to discuss on that day.

    And for Wednesday In The Library I'm going to try and make it more of an author talk. Not sure what my alternative for Mondays will be when I don't have something to review but I'm still trying to come up with something. I know I want it to be a feel good beginning to the week and list you, my readers, up since Mondays can be so ugh. As always I welcome input.

    I'm also working on two projects right now. One for school, which may eventually see publication someplace, and the other is for publication in an anthology that is aiming to be out in June. The one for school is about a radio station set in 1957 and the storytellers there and political mayhem that ensues and maybe a ghostly touch to it. I haven't decided yet. It is still mapping itself out in my head. The one for the anthology is still in the rough, rough draft stage. So you'll have to wait for more details on that one, but I can tell you it concerns Military Veterans.

    I'm trying to stay on top of things but I haven't been feeling the best in recent weeks and just now seem to be getting better so the posts should be coming timelier hopefully. I'll also be working from my desk more so that may change the tone of my voice a bit in my posts, and if it is in a bad way let me know so I can change where I type my blog posts to make them better. As much as I write this blog for myself I also more importantly write it for you, the reader. Unless I have the urge to write a fun essay tomorrow I won't be seeing you till Monday, but I hope you have a good rest of the weekend. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of more coffee.*

Story Time Friday: Doom Arrives At Dawn

    So today is a double posting day since I forgot to post yesterday's post last night. I was just too exhausted by the time I finished it. I do apologize. Today we will have a tradition Story Time Friday. This week's prompt is a picture of a man walking towards a mushroom cloud with an explosion underneath it. I get most of my inspiration daydreaming while listening to music, but I also get it from looking at pictures as well as random things that people say that just get warped in my mind. But without further ado on with the show.


Doom Arrives At Dawn
By Christopher Bartlett
    Johnathan had gotten up at 5 am as usual and gotten ready to head to work in the city. It felt like any other day to him. He always walked into the city. It was his way of relaxing before work, and getting exercise for the day. He was an editor and writer by trade, but even he couldn't make up what he saw as he was a little over half way to the city.
    As Johnathan was approaching the city he saw a plane fly over the city and then a few seconds later the city was engulfed in a huge explosion followed by a mushroom cloud. The cloud seemed to expand outwards from the city overhead of him. The sky grew ominously dark as Johnathan now concerned for his friends and fellow coworkers continued his journey towards whatever was where the city had been.
    When he finally got to what he would later term ground zero he found buildings with blown out windows as well as cars blown all over the streets with blown out windows and skeletons inside. Johnathan felt the cold chill of death run up his spine as he walked through the streets. He headed towards his job at the publishing company in the city hoping to find it empty. He noticed as he was walking that his cell phone has no service within the city limits.
    As he walked into the publishing company he saw the security guard frozen at the desk in skeletal form. He tried the elevator and found it dead. So he took the stairs to his floor, only to find all of his friends and coworkers had been at work when the explosion happened. They were all skeletons burned to the bone. Frozen in place for all time.
    He knew now for sure that this city was a tomb and that he should turn for home and try to reach somebody in authority about what had happened here. If there was anyone in authority left to call. At the very least he had a home left to defend and from there who knew what. But first he had to try and get a hold of other survivors and go from there.
    Johnathan went to the local gun shop and surplus store and salvaged what he could for weapons and supplies. Before heading for home. It had taken him most of the day to do this, and by the time he had gotten halfway home the ominous cloud had cleared. Now then sun was setting on the uncertain future for Johnathan and he seemed hopeful as he neared his house.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Throwback Thursday: The Bedroom At My Mother’s House


    I know I'm late again, but I was hanging out with friends and that was more important today. Tonight we'll be throwing back to my bedroom at my mother's house when I was a teenager. And I'll try to have Story Time Friday up earlier tomorrow.

    When I was a teenager I lived in a duplex of sorts and my bedroom was on the second floor. I had a weight bench in my room and my mom had her desk in there as well and I had a table of sorts for my word processor. I also had an awesome stereo and a twin size futon along with a television in an entertainment center with what at the time was known as a PlayStation, but would now be called a PlayStation One. I shared a small bookshelf with my mom on her desk as well. I was also allowed to use the desk but my mom had her computer on it so I couldn't put my word processor on it.

    When I wasn't with my friends I would either be working on writing on the word processor or reading while listening to music. Or more times than none I would be watching television. But even more often I would be playing video games. Then there were the times I would have the girl I was dating at the time over and we would be making out or having sex under my mom's nose until the one time I was caght and couldn't have a lock on my door anymore.

    I use to sit up late at night on weekends and watch Tales From The Crypt Keeper and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Both shows were amazing to be as a teenager and after they were over I would get told to go to bed. Which I would respond with going to bed, but leaving the television on low and falling asleep to it. I've found some of the same thrill as then in the Nightmare Magazine Podcast. It has creepy stories like Tales From The Crypt Keeper with a spooky host as well.

    I thought my room back then was awesome, and in some ways it was. In others it was too distracting possibly. Looking forward I know I need a more productive room if I'm going to get ahead in what I plan to do with my life. And that goes into how I'm designing my office/bedroom in present day. I'm still debating having a television in here, though the decision might be made for me on whether or not I have room for it or not in the end. That's really fine by me. As long as I have music I can function in my writing and reading world. I didn't really get a story down this time for the memoir, but I did get some inspiration for next week ironically. *Tips hat and walks out the door searching for writing prompt."

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Let’s Talk About Women Destroy Science Fiction

    As the White Rabbit in Alice In Wonderland would say, "I'm late I'm late." It's been one of those days folks where I got up really late and I'm running behind on my work load for the day so bear with me today please. I would have been here sooner but I had a school assignment that I had to do.
    So tonight we are going to talk about Women Destroy Science Fiction from Lightspeed. I've been reading the anthology for a couple of months now here and there where I can find time, and I've been enjoying it a lot. This anthology came about as the result of all the complaints about women writers of Science Fiction, with people saying they were destroying it hence the title. So the owner of Lightspeed Magazine started a Kickstarter to produce this special issue. Along with bonuses if they reached stretch goals of Women Destroy Fantasy and Women Destroy Horror. I haven't read either of those issues yet, but I will talk about them when I do start reading them. And when I finish each of these three special issues I will review them.
    One of my favorites so far has people has plants and other genetic mutations looking for life out in space, and seemingly finding it. It is emotional and yet interesting all at the same time. As I think about it I like the addition of the more naturally feeling emotion in the stories I read in this anthology so far versus some other Science Fiction I've read. The only male author who has come close to doing that in the genre as well as the women writers in this anthology have is John Scalzi in his Old Man's War Series. With his love affair between John Perry and Jane Sagan.
    That speaks volumes to the quality of these women's talent as writers, and that they should be better known in the mainstream media. It is ridiculous that the only reason they are being kept down as Science Fiction Writers is because they are women. In this day and age we should be past sexual discrimination, but apparently we are that petty still as a species. I encourage everyone to pick up a Science Fiction novel by a female author and give it a shot. I've found a few titles I'm going to be trying to give a shot to in the coming months. Possibly in a book club and possibly just on my own.
    On a side note there is another Kickstarter going on for Queers Destroy Science Fiction at www.destroysf/queers,  and it is not a derogatory term in this case having been mostly reclaimed by the LGBT Community. Plus in the context it is being used to promote LGBT Writers of Science Fiction and if they reach there stretch goals also Horror and Fantasy. Hopefully you've enjoyed your time in the library today I know I enjoyed it. Maybe next time we'll talk about John Scalzi or Jim Butcher. *Tips hat and walks out the door heading for the kitchen*

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Dealing With The Past

    It's been an interesting week so far. It has left me perplexed on some women, well more like two who happen to be my exs. Each says I cheated on them with the other. Now the problem with that is before being with either of them at any time I was broken up with the other one. But they act like it doesn't matter like they still owned me somehow. It's enough to drive a man crazy after hearing it for so many years. And whenever I argue back they say it is something to do with feelings or to never mind they don't want to fight.

    And honestly I'm trying not to rant but it just happened again last night. Which leaves me stuck wondering when they will realize they are wrong or drop it at the very least. It's only been going on for about 15 years now. You'd think they'd have moved past this argument by now. And I keep getting cast as the bad guy when I did nothing wrong. Well I mean breaking up with a girl sucks but I had my reasons. At least I think it was me who did the breaking up, it could have been her that time.

    But still I hate those arguments of I didn't mean it or I was just mad. We all do a lot of stupid shit when we are mad and we can't take it back after. We can apologize for it and ask to be forgiven and try to go back to how things were but we can't take it back. And sometimes things have changed as a result of our actions. But somehow I'm supposed to be a mind reader or fortune teller and know what is going to happen for sure in the future.

    That is like me for one killing someone and going before a judge and going sorry your Honor I didn't mean it I was just mad. The Judge would throw the fucking book at me. Or two me going before the judge and saying sorry your Honor but he was on his way to murder someone I saw it in a vision. The Judge would throw me in a Mental Hospital and throw away the key most likely.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one with crazy people in my life that argue with me like this. Tell me in the comments if you have ever had people argue with you in a similar manner. This rant brought to your courtesy of my exs. *Tips hat and walks out the door still fuming and ranting.*

Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday Review: The Undead Pool

    I know, I know it's the dreaded Monday already returned, but fear not I have a Monday Review for you. Today I'll be reviewing The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison for you. It is the second to last book in her series The Hollows but don't let that discourage you. It is still a wonderful read and for fans of the series even more so as we finally get some of the results we've wanted from the series lately. Kim Harrison does a great job of bringing the series to the edge of completion here without actually finishing it off in this book.

    The characters evolve wonderfully here growing in leaps and bounds. Some in ways you wouldn't have imagined at the beginning of the series. It gives one a warm feeling to see them like this. It is like seeing kids grow into adults almost and seeing them just before they become adults.

    The plot is suspenseful as well with twists and turns. Kim Harrison always leaves her readers wondering how she is going to top the last book. And she does not disappoint here either. I still have no clue how she will top this one. OK so I told a white lie, I do know how the next one starts out, but that will have to wait till I review that one. This one is surrounded with the Elves deity The Goddess seemingly letting loose with her mystics through Rachel's tear in the Ever After. But all is not as it appears to be.

    This novel changes some of Cincinnati's environment thanks to the mystics though we will have to see if that carries over into the next book. In some of the chapters it was apocalyptical. But the setting didn't overshadow the plot or characters, which is a tricky balancing act to pull off for any novel. Especially one trying to wrap up a series without concluding it all together.

    Kim Harrison once again presents us with a masterpiece, even going beyond her normal standards to presents us with something that leaves us wondering how she will conclude the series. She brings us to the edge of our seats and lets us sit back at the end, but leaves us asking what the last chapter is in this epic tale. I give The Undead Pool five stars out of five stars. *Tips hat and walks out the door holding a book under his arm."

Sunday Reflections: It’s Been An Alright Week

    So this will be a here and there column on the blog, since Sundays are optionally off for the blog. But I was feeling chatty about the week today so I figured why not write something for the blog. It hasn't been a bad week, just an alright week for me overall. I'm still perfecting my work habits and so far not making much progress but hopefully that will start to change soon.

    Just a matter of implementing the changes slowly is all, and planning to start that on Monday. Hopefully I will be fully feeling better by then. Don't get me wrong I'm feeling better now just not 100%. I'm glad I was able to get so much writing done on the blog this week. Though I did get little else done for writing. But that should change next week as well. I'm starting to fall into a sort of routine of my own as I go, but it still has to develop consistency.

    But like any work in progress it takes time. I got to hang out with friends online which was fun this week. Even getting to talk to friends I hadn't talked to in a while. Some longer than others, but it was still good. I even did a little karaoke on Saturday night, which was fun even as I was coming down from trying to be peppy that day.

    But looking forward as I look back I have some goals for next week. One of which is to do more of my writing at the desk. I also want to do more of my reading in the reading chair. Plus I want to try and find more of a balance between working on the blog and my other writings. I'd also like to try and do more newspaper and magazine reading in the morning when I'm drinking my coffee first thing. As well as continue working on my cleaning skills while working on all of these things. I have gotten a little better at checking the mail, with checking it every day around the same time for the most part.

    Things are changing and I'm adapting to change and meeting new people and making new connections. Things are in the works still but those things are going to take time. So bear with me all will be revealed in due time. As things develop you'll know about them as soon as I can reveal them. As always I'm grateful to all of you for sticking with me. Tune in tomorrow at an earlier time for Monday Review. *Tips hat and walks out the door thinking to himself.*

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: My Dream House

    So it's Valentine's Day and I'm not doing anything special for most of the day. Though getting together with friends later tonight. I did allude to talking about my dream house in a future blog post, and here it is. With some ramblings as well as with any Saturday Thoughts Column. Also note there will be a Monday Review on Monday. I'm trying to make the blog run all week with an optional break on Sundays. I have a few ideas for next week, but we'll see how those pan out.
    Today we are talking about what I would do with my first dream house. I plan to have a few over my lifetime depending on how big I can get in the publishing world, so there will be other discussions on this I'm sure. But with the first one it would have a finished basement as well as an elevator through the whole house since I hate stairs. And I'd be sharing it with at least my friend, Tim, who I consider a brother. It would be a three storied house counting the basement as a story. Not sure on the spelling there but bear with me on it. I'd have solar panels for electricity and hot water on it as well. Along with maybe a small windmill outside that looked nice. Plus siding if they made it in a color me and Tim could agree on. And I'd make sure it was insulated as well, since it gets really cold in winter up here in Maine. Plus I would look into Geothermal heating and cooling for the house. If you hadn't guessed by now I want the house to be as environmentally friendly as possible but I would also have a wood stove in the house as well. It would probably be in a section of the basement since I want the basement to be really large.
    The reason for the wood stove is back up in case of total power failure which is doubtful, but it pays to be prepared. That would take up a third of the basement, and Tim is not sure what he would do with his third of the basement yet. In my third of the basement would be my office. And all three would intersect at an elevator going through the whole house as I mentioned earlier. In my office would be wall to wall bookshelves looking like they were built into the walls. With various decorations on them in front of the books and pictures above them. As well as my desk over in one corner snug as a bug in a rug. Definitely more organized than it is currently. But still with decorations on it. Ready for use as always. I'd bring my laptop down to it every morning after coffee. As well as my kindle. My reading chair would be in a corner near one of the windows for plenty of light with the foot rest. Unless I got a recliner instead for the office. There would be a fold out table and fold out cushioned chairs for when friends came over on game night. It would be a nice big table with plenty of chairs for however many people came over. Though never more than could fit in the elevator with me.
    The elevator would ideally come out between the kitchen and living room. In the kitchen it would be all stainless steel with a wood breakfast bar attached. The kitchen would be all stainless steel for easy cleaning and a show of professionalism with our cooking. We'd use the latest in cooking technology that fit us. The stove would be one of those smooth top cooking surfaces that you can wipe down easily. No sense having something that can have food get dropped down into it. All the dishes would also be dishwasher safe since we would have a dishwasher since I absolutely hate doing dishes, and I doubt Tim would want to do them all the time. There would be plenty of counter space and a built in slot for a microwave up above. On the counter would go a coffee maker first and foremost. Followed by a toaster, deep fryer, and crockpot.
    Then straight across from the kitchen would be the dining room with an oak table able to fold out bigger when company was over for meals. Plus wooden chairs with rigid backs for back support. The floors here would be hardwood unlike the tiled kitchen floors. There would be candles on the table and a chandelier above it would be lights for lighting at night. There would be paintings and photos on the walls and maybe a nick knack cabinet as well.
    From the dining room you could head towards the kitchen and take a left and head down the hall finding on the right the bathroom with a shower and toilet nothing really fancy. On the left would be the guest room with a Queen Bed and large dresser along with nightstand on either side of the bed and a desk to work at, all made from wood.
    Heading straight back past the dining room and kitchen you would find yourself in the living room next to the door to the garage. There would be a fireplace in the living room right next to the garage and a leather couch facing it that wrapped around to under the window. With a leather recliner next to the door. Next to the fireplace in the corner would be a television with various video game systems hooked up to it.
    Then heading back on to the elevator would bring you up to the top floor where Tim's office and bedroom are as well as my bedroom and another guest bedroom. The guest bedroom would be laid out like the one downstairs primarily. And Tim is still making decisions on his bedroom and office. My room would have a dresser in the walk in closet with clothes hanging on the other side of it. A Queen Bed facing the window so I could watch the stars at night and be woken up by the sun in the morning. Hanging on the walls would be the most personal pictures to me. There would be a nightstand next to the bed as well as a stand next to the bed for the laptop. And an empty nightstand on the other side of the bed for when that special someone comes into my life. Plus room for wherever she wanted to put her dresser.
    Well that is my house ideally as I picture it, and hopefully I will get most of it when I make enough money to buy a house someday. It's a long way of it seems but working on it. I'll get there I know I will. *Tips hat and walks out the door humming to himself.*

Friday, February 13, 2015

Story Time Friday: Johnny’s Everyday Adult Life

    This week's Story Time Friday Prompt is again a request from my counselor. She wants to know what Johnny's daily adult life would be like since he had the ideal parents. So for the first time ever on Story Time Friday we will have a sequel to a story. This should prove interesting in my eyes. So without further ado on with the show.

Prompt: What would Johnny's daily adult life be like after having the ideal parents growing up?

The Ideal Adult Life For A Writer Hopefully

    Johnny had been privileged growing up in that sense that he had had the ideal parents that any kid could have wished for. Now he was a college graduate and his parents expected him to go out on his own. Johnny was admittedly nervous, but his parents were there to guide him through it all. They helped him find a good paying job as an editor that allowed him time to write as well, so that he could pursue his dream of being an author while making a living for himself.

    Then after he had saved up enough they helped him get an apartment showing him what he needed to do. Which made it less intimidating for him. He got a nice but affordable place that let him have one separate space for working and one for sleeping. His parents also supplied him with some additional furniture to help fill out the place. Johnny liked it as a good start but knew it would morph over time as he personalized it. As well as made it the perfect work and company space and the same thought went through his head about the sleeping space.

    Johnny's routine changed a bit but not much with the new place. He got up early for work and got dressed though instead of school clothes it was now always in a suit. Then he would hop in the car his parents had helped him get when he was younger and drive to work, stopping along the way for a cup of coffee. Johnny was always right on time or a little early to work, and he would chat with coworkers as he came into work.

    Since it was still early in the morning he would look through the incoming manuscripts and see if there was anything that should be passed on up to his superiors to look at. Then as it got later into the morning he would check in with authors he had manuscripts out with and see if they had any questions or concerns. After that it was down to working on making edits to manuscripts he had on his desk that needed editing. He'd field calls and emails as they came in on his laptop and phone as the day went on. But overall he just worked on editing throughout the day, which ended around 5 PM.

    Usually there was nothing going on after work so he just packed up his laptop and headed home from work. Johnny would get home around 5:30 or 6 PM depending on traffic and flip on the news as he set his laptop up at his desk. Johnny would then grab a cup of juice as he looked at the empty spot on the counter where he was planning to put the coffee maker soon.

    Johnny then went back to his laptop that was booting up and got everything opened up that he needed for the night. Opening an email from the boss that said he had done a great job and could work from home tomorrow. Which was great for Johnny since it had been pay day that day. It would allow him to get some extra time for errands though he would still put in the time for work as always. Next Johnny went through his recipe notebook on his laptop to see what he wanted to make for dinner that night.

    Knowing he had a little extra time to sleep in the next day Johnny decided on a stew in the crockpot he had gotten from his mother. He pulled out the stew meat from the freezer and put it in some warm water. Then went to work chopping up the vegetables and herbs for the stew. He set them aside and went back to the computer to check his personal email while he waited for the stew meat to thaw out.

    He combed through the emails and deleted the junk keeping only those emails that were good or interested him and weren't in the junk mail folder. Before doing anything further Johnny checked on the stew meat, noting that it only needed a little longer before it was thawed enough for cooking. So he decided to read his email and then start cooking. The email gave Johnny some laughs and smiles as well as some news on favorite authors of his. Plus it let him get some free books for the kindle he had from his senior year in college.

    After email had been taken care of Johnny put the stew meat and vegetables as well as some water and the herbs into the crockpot and set it on high since he was hungry. Normally he would be willing to wait six hours for a stew to slow cook, but tonight he was in a bit of a rush to eat. Then he turned his attention back to the laptop and signed into Facebook. He took care of his notification on his page and his author page. Then started chatting with friends near and far seeing how their day had been.

    He chatted for a couple of hours pausing now and then to stir the stew. Working on his writing in between messages as he did so after the first half hour. He got a good thousand words or so in on one project that night. As the second hour came to a head he checked on the stew and could tell that it was done. So he used a gravy master packed and some corn starch to thicken it up before serving it up. He sat at a card table that served as his dining room table of sorts to eat dinner. Johnny was indeed hungry that need eating half the crockpot of stew before being full.

    He set the stew on a very low setting to keep it warm but not dry it out. Then put the dishes in the sink to soak for a half hour while he went back to working on the laptop. He checked his work email for anything urgent before going back to his writing. He checked his to do list and saw he was right on target for the day. Then made a note in his schedule to visit the local gaming store on Saturday, which was his day off.

    As he finished a paragraph he check on the soaking dishes, and seeing that they had soaked enough washed them. Since there were only a few he dried them as well and put them away. Until around 9 PM he works on his writing and chatting with friends then saves his work and closes it. Next up is his Wii time so that he gets a little exercise in. Tonight he is in an RPG mood, so goes for one of those games. Within a half hour he is starting to feel the burn from all the hacking and slashing.

    Finally at 10 PM he has no more left to give to the game and has to save and quit. He checks over Facebook one more time and then says goodnight to his friends before heading to the bathroom and drawing a nice hot bath. He soaks for most of an hour before cleaning up. After a nice long bath he heads for his bedroom changing into clean clothes for night time. Then he pulls out his Kindle and makes the updates he has to before choosing a book to read that night. Before he starts reading he takes his night time meds and then starts reading.

    As his eyes get heavy as he is reading he knows it is time for sleep. So he puts the Kindle on the charger, and turns the light off. And after a long day Johnny closes his eyes drifting off to sleep.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday: The Dungeon

    Now I know that sounds ominous but it really isn't. It's just what I used to call my basement bedroom at my dad's place in my teenage years and preteen years. Would have been a better room if not so messy, but that was party my fault and partly those in charge of me for not making me pick it up. Though there was a bit of organization to the chaos I will admit. My music stuff was always organized for the most part. As were the books I was reading at the time, but not much else.

Probably if the couch had been taken out and a desk and bookshelf had been put in there it would have worked better. But I still made it work. Read on my bed, and worked at my word processor on top of my dresser at all hours of the night for the most part. Listening to sports talk radio and sports games of all kinds. What was I expecting for a radio signal down there in a basement after all other than AM Talk Radio.

I'd start out doing my homework around 5:30 PM and be done around 8. Then either read for a bit or go right into working on my writing. Just pounding away on those keys. Surprisingly I never got blisters from typing so much, and still never do. I'd work till I was hollered for to jump in the shower and then again till I was told I had to go to bed. Then fall asleep to the sports radio station. And wake up in the morning to my alarm.

In the afternoons I'd be down there blaring my music as loud as I could. Just jamming away. And typing away as well if I was inspired. Using my free time for my own purposes. But when 5:00 PM rolled around on went the sports radio since I had to keep it down and to reading I went before doing homework.

It was a pretty cozy room just needed a different set up to work better for me. I've never been the best at being organized though I have some sense of it in chaos to a degree. But working on improving being organized. Since I was so productive in "The Dungeon" it has made me want my office in my future house to be a basement one. I figure I'll get more work done that way. Then I'll have "The Dungeon 2". Though maybe this time I'll give it a view instead of a small rectangular window under a porch.

Don't get me wrong that was nice since it allowed me my privacy, but a view would be nice as well. I'm still not sure on which one to go with. But there will definitely not be any sports radio unless I'm listening to a game on the radio. Instead will be music to inspire me to write though not as loud as I would have played it in my younger days. But that is a bog post for another time, maybe later this week. We'll see. *Tips hat and walks out the door rubbing his chin thoughtfully.*

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Me As A Reader

    I'm not sure if this will stick as a column but trying out new things this week to give you, my readers, more content. As well as some more insight into me. I figure most of you are readers so this might be a good piece to use for Wednesdays when it is hump day and just to discuss what we are reading. Me in the blog and you in the comments. I like book discussions a lot. Sometimes it even leads to me picking up a book I never would have before.

    Though as much as I like novels I'm always cruising through magazines looking for tid bits to use in stories and bits of knowledge to get my brain thinking. And I'm constantly finding fascinating things out. Some magazines I read for literature that just let me wander around too. I also read newspapers to keep up to date with what is going on in the world around me, because I think that is important. Plus it is a habit I developed as a kid. Every day at breakfast I would read the front page of each section and find out what was going on in the world and local news. I'll eventually get back to that someday.

    I never seem to have enough time to read everything I want to read, but I keep trying. Eventually I will be caught up or leave it to someone else to catch up for me. The kindle is a great asset to me letting me take my whole library with me everywhere I go, though there are times I just want the book itself in my hands. So I keep hard copies of all my reading material as best as I can around.

    I even read graphic novels and comics here and there, though I should do better at keeping up with the storylines. I'm slowly developing a reading schedule for myself though it isn't easy. But it might be the only way I get to read everything I want to and more in the time I can wrangle to read. I'm also part of three book clubs so you can see how this could be difficult on me.

Though I think audio books might be able to help sometimes as well. At least if you can multitask and sometimes they are fun to listen to after reading the book to hear how someone else interpreted it. Sort of like an audio movie for the books that don't get a movie. And to me it gives me a sense of what the older generation experienced with radio programs since those were like reading books over the radio.

That would be interesting on a side note though, a book radio station I mean. The closest I can come up with at the moment would be a podcast on books and/or the book we are reading in the book club I run. Or a mix of the two. Plus have to throw in a little writing in the mix as well. After all I'm a writer.

And that influences my reading choices as well. I'm always finding new ideas here and there. I like anthologies because they can sometimes me filling or sometimes only give you a taste of what you are after, and leave you wanting more. I've had a lot of short stories do that to me. But it is hard for them not to. They only have such a short space to tell there tale in, and there can be such a bigger tale to tell than the space allows for. But the writer tries to tell just one tale in that space anyways.

One poet I plan to read more of in the future is Maya Angelou. I heard a recording of one of her readings the other day, and it made me think. It also made me want to read more of her work. Another person that most people should here speak is Stephen King. He is witty and sarcastic but also wise. One of his books is the next in my book club's reading list as well.

Well my cup of coffee has run out, and I've started to ramble. So I will say I've enjoyed sharing my reading habits with you, and I think I'll try this column out for a while. Not sure what we will talk about next time, but isn't the surprise half the fun. *Tips hat and walks out the door whistling.*

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday Insights: My Thoughts On This Valentine’s Day

    So I figured with Valentine's Day coming up I'd put my feelings down on the upcoming holiday along with my feelings on my love life and give you all a surprise entry as well. Unfortunately for me I'm single, which doesn't bode well for me on Valentine's Day. A holiday dedicated to couples. Being a romantic at heart I enjoyed the holiday as a teenager when I was in a relationship during the holiday, but being single makes the holiday depressing for me as well as making me vulnerable for getting into unhealthy relationships.

    Normally I can shrug off the fact that I'm single without a problem, but at times it gets to me. I get lonely like anyone else after all. Wanting someone to talk to about my hobbies and reading and career/schooling. As well as my writing. Among other things. Along with the physical touch of another human being. Plus it wouldn't be so bad to have a woman cook for me once in a while.

    I mean I like to cook and I have a few things I wouldn't mind experimenting with when I get the chance. But there is just something about a woman's touch to a meal that makes it special. And while I crave all that I would plan to bring my own fair share of talking points to any relationship as well as carrying my fair share of the chore load.

    Hell I know I'm not perfect with epilepsy and mental illness it is not easy to find someone. Plus being a big guy, makes it harder to find someone when people can be so superficial in my neck of the woods from what I've seen. But I keep looking and hoping to find that special someone, because I'm naturally optimistic. Plus a bit stubborn in general. I trust that fate has someone special in store for me.

    So while at this point Valentine's Day won't be romantic for me I will be spending it with a good friend, which makes it much less depressing. I'm lucky to have such good friends who can understand my depression and help me deal with it. Sometimes it does indeed suck having a heart that is so big. But it helps having friends you know you can depend on to be there to help you when you need it. And I do my best to be there for them in return when they need it. My friends are my family after all, and family takes care of family. It will always be that way for me.

    Whoever ends up with me will have to accept that, and I trust that they will be able to. I'm not sure this post will make much sense to everyone, but I hope it does. I also hope it gives you all some more insight into me on some level. As always feel free to ask any questions of leave any comments. *Tips hat and walks out the door shoulders slumped slightly.*

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Review: Pet Shop Boys

    It's the dreaded Monday folks and as promised we have a Monday Review today. It's another Kim Harrison story, but as always there is no disappointment here. I finished reading it just this week within days of getting it for just $0.99, which is a good price for any short story but a steal for this one.     

    We start out meeting Cooper a pet shop worker with a college degree who sticks around because he has a crush on the owner. But soon after meeting Cooper and getting to know him weird stuff starts happening in the shop. And it only gets weirder from there, but in a good way. Yes I'm being very vague deliberately not wanting to spoil any of it for you.

    Kim Harrison as always builds solid characters here that I could see evolving if given the chance. As well as the scenery. This seems like such a tease when you come to the end of it, but a good tease. It makes me hope she will pick this world back up again and give us more of it, so we can see where these characters might go in the future.

    Overall I like the slow build up to a bursting climax in this story. But the conclusion is too fast for me though it doesn't take away from the story. Maybe it is just my hunger for more after the climax that makes me not like the conclusion so much. Still I give it five out of five stars. *Tips hat and walks out the door in search of more good reading.*

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: It’s Been An Interesting Week

    So it's been a while since I wrote one of these. But I think it might become a regular column eventually for just letting my thoughts run loose at the end of the week. And this has been one interesting and productive week. Though I still have a few things to figure out for the upcoming week. I'm working on getting organized and on the ball but taking a little more work than I anticipated so bear with me please. I do appreciate all the patience you are showing me I really do. It has helped me grow so much since this blog first went up.

    There will be a Monday Review next week. This one will be of a short story by Kim Harrison I just finished today before starting on this blog entry. There will also be a Story Time Friday next week as well, where we find out about Johnny's adult life on a daily basis. I'm also planning to revamp the Wednesday Column into something else since my cleaning habit have a long way to go still. And in general I'm revamping my whole schedule in the next few weeks. I'm not sure what it will look like in the end but we will see.

    I'm going to try and put myself in high gear before spring gets here, so I can ride that wave of energy through to next winter. I know it won't be easy but I'm going to try still. My two chairs have arrived and are in place now. I'll be utilizing them next week as well. So you will be hearing from me from my desk and I will be reading in my reading chair. I expect my back to rebel at first, but I'm committed to doing this for better work habits. I'll post pictures sometime next week once I get my desk in order. I still need a new mail sorter to complete my desk, but overall the office is complete.

    I'm working on two big projects I hope to have out either later this year or early next year. I'm also in the early stages of drafting a magazine for all of you who like to read stories in magazines and miss those types of magazines. I'll keep you posted on all of those and more in the coming weeks and months.

    On the cleaning front I'm slowly falling into routine with cleaning my room/office, but it is taking time to get to where I want it to be. I still have to work on the dishes more as well as the kitchen as a whole. I see the light at the end of the tunnel on the cleaning journey it just seems so far away sometimes. But I'll keep working at it.

    Lastly I plan to put more me time into my schedule when I revamp it so that it is balanced better than this last one was. Plus it might be a good idea to rename this column Saturday Ramble. Let me know what you think. I also want to thank everyone for all the helpful advice they have given over the months this blog has been up and running, and to let them know it has been helping. For now I better get back to working on some of those projects I mentioned. *Tips hat and walks out the door with a skip in his step.*