Monday, November 2, 2015

Sunday Coffee: Another Month Started

Alas Halloween has passed. But Thanksgiving is coming, which I have no clue what I will be doing on. But I still look forward to it since I am sure I will be with family or friends and enjoying a great meal. And as I write this I have been given a possibility of being published a couple more times as well. Nothing set in stone yet, just opportunities that I plan to take advantage of. And I plan to take advantage of them to the best of my ability. I’ll also be attending Elle Henry’s online release party on November 6 at 10:00 AM on Facebook. And I hope all of you reading this will be there too. I’ll be putting out reminders as well leading up to the event.
            And on that day I will be picking up her book, More Than Words, as it releases on that day. I will also be reviewing it here on my blog. I have no doubt it will be amazing knowing how good of a writer Elle is. And I have a couple of other reviews coming up as well. I’m also planning to have business cards made up by the end of the year. I just need to consult with some of my advisors on what to have them say. It’s time to start getting my name out there and establishing myself. Though I still have to stay on top of my schoolwork. I also need to write more. I have that itch to write lately. It keeps nagging at me and pestering me drawing me back to writing.
            I can’t say I am really surprised since winter was always my time to hibernate in a way. Though I still plan to be active in the winter months. And I just recently got on and joined a few groups there. Just to help me get out more and socialize a bit more as well. I don’t mind going out by myself for the most part, but it is nice to go out and meet people doing the same thing as you every so often. Especially when you are talking about similar things like writing, movies, or books for instance.
            I know I will keep running into doors and brick walls along my journey. But I am determined to keep smashing them down and finding success no matter what. I refuse to give up or fail. It may take me some time but I will succeed. I know who I want to sign with and I will be signing with them no matter how long it takes. It may have taken me a few years but I finally found the perfect editor for my work and I am proud to announce that editing my work will be Lynette Lee. She is an amazing editor and she makes my work shine like no other editor can.
            I’m also revamping my schedule in rough format as best as I can to where I am writing in the morning and out and about in the afternoon and studying in the evening. Hopefully this works in allowing me to be out more often and getting writing down while keeping up with this blog as well as staying on top of my school work. I’m starting the new schedule Monday. Might need to adjust the sleep pattern for it, but we shall see. There might need to be some fine tuning done to it but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
            I think I’ve rambled on long enough for one day and I still have some work to do before crashing for the night. I do apologize for this getting out so late. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you don’t want to miss a post enter you email in the box at the top where it asks you to. As for me I am off to get a drink and do more writing. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the kitchen. *

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