I know I wasn’t around yesterday and sorry for that, got a
writer’s cramp. But today is a new day and should be a pretty good one as well.
It is also one of the most important days around the country as well. It’s
Election Day, which as Bernie Sanders says should be a national holiday. And I
agree with him. Since it is our responsibility as citizens to vote to make the
government work to the best of its ability in the manner we wish it to. The
government should make it as easy as possible for us as citizens to exercise
our responsibility to vote.
you could have whole fairs around polling places celebrating voting. Giving
discounts to those who have already voted in some cases. With games and rides
and concession stands. It would make voting more fun and give more incentive
for people to vote as well. And probably increase the voter turnout. I did vote
today I am proud to say and was planning to get back to writing this right away
but time got away from me. It was a three ring circus of people wanting to
shake my hand and sign this and that. What was nice is that they even had a
bake sale going on at the same time. I managed to get out of there before the
media started rolling cameras. Not that I am shy of the camera I just wasn’t in
the mood to deal with them at the time or dressed to impress really.
rather have been in jeans and maybe not the skull shirt to deal with the media.
Instead of sweat pants and the skull shirt. Maybe my writer shirt and some
jeans would have had me feeling more inclined to deal with them. Although that wouldn’t
have solved the starving part. But then again I could have bought something
from the bake sale on camera and made them wait while I scarfed it down.
Civilly of course, instead of like a raging monster. Will have to wait till
morning for the final results but it is not looking like I got everything I
wanted this year unfortunately. There is always net year though.
then expect me to be up on my soap box from time to time on issues ranging from
education to gun control to who knows what. I’ll try to keep it entertaining
though. But for now let us celebrate our victories and prepare for the next
round of political battles. There are still issues needing addressing and it is
our job as citizens of this great country to address them and get ourselves
back on top. I expect I will see petitions out tomorrow when I go out and I
will sign some and others I won’t. But I applaud all those going out for
sticking up for what they believe in whether I agree with it or not.
wonder what after election drama will follow this year’s election. Hopefully
nothing if we’re lucky. But you never know. But I figure I have rambled enough
on such an important day. So as always feel free to leave questions and
comments below. And if you don’t want to miss a post just enter your email
above where it says to in order to get this blog in your inbox every day. As
for me I am off to get a drink. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the
kitchen. *
I am happy that you voted. However, to think that it is going to make a difference is silly. We may vote and someone will go into office but will they ever do what they say? No. Most likely not. They say what we want to hear in order to be voted in. Once there they don't care about the promises that were made. They are only there to pass their own agenda and make money. They are the reason this country is running into the ground. Too scared to pass laws that matter and to help this country. Instead let's go to war and ignore the hungry and jobless at home. Sorry. I'm sensitive here.