know I wasn’t around yesterday; I was busy with school. And it paid off I am
now on vacation for three weeks instead of two. It feels great to start off
November on such a positive note. Though it is not all positive. I have to go
see a doctor about what to do about the stress fracture in my right foot today.
But I know it will turn out alright in the end. I just have to learn I am not
as durable as I was when I was younger and stop beating up on myself quite so
time got away from me as I was writing this earlier and ended up having to go
to see the doctor about my foot before I finished this. He’s letting it heal on
its own, so no cast for me. But the doctor did say to limit my walking, but
that won’t keep me from getting out and about. Just means I have to get around
more by bus and get off as close to where I am going as possible. Minor setback
but it will help me build up a little stamina for longer walks when my foot is
fully healed. So not a total loss. If nothing is going on tomorrow and I can
get up early enough might go, see a movie. But not setting anything in
concrete, especially with a seven-day deadline looming.
are probably wondering what the deadline is about. Well I’m working on a story
to enter into a couple of writing contests. One for Writer’s Digest, and one for The
Penmen Review. One has a cash prize and the other a scholarship prize. Both
beneficial to me, and both come with publication as well. Once I’m past that
deadline I’m free to work on as many short stories as I can get done while I’m
on vacation. I will probably use one for another anthology I will be in and
save the rest for a book of short stories I want to put out. So yes I relaxed
today, but even if I don’t go to the movies tomorrow I have to get my butt into
gear. I plan to have some fun tonight and hangout a bit. Maybe even stay up a
bit late. But I want to be up as early as I can be tomorrow and off like a rocket
as much as I can be first thing in the morning.
about mid-October I have been doing fairly well at keeping myself fairly clean
shaven and I find I am enjoying it. Sure I get whiskers every so often but most
days you see me I am clean shaven. And I truly am enjoying it. Might mean a
household expense going up, but such is life. And I’m doing a bit of thinking
and reflecting after listing to Adele’s “Rolling In The Deep”. Just reflecting
on some of the things I have done wrong in my teen years. People I really cared
about that I hurt and owe an apology too. And there are more I owe an apology
too but I am getting there.
yeah I know people will say but you were a ball of raging hormones. That doesn’t
excuse me hurting people. I was raised better than that. There is no boys will
be boys about it. Yes, I was hormone charged but I should have voiced what was
bothering me better. Instead I got frustrated and instead of communicating I
just turned and walked away. I’m trying to do better with that and sometimes it
works and other times it doesn’t. I’ve gained patience as I’ve gotten older.
But sometimes I still feel like that teenage boy I once was just less angry. It
drives me insane at times. I’m working on feeling differently but it is taking
I’ve rambled enough for one post. Plus, I did say today would start with double
posts on Mondays and it is getting late and I still have a review to do. So as
always feel free to leave comments and questions below. And if you want the
posts to go directly to your email enter your email address right where it says
subscribe. As for me I am off to get a drink before doing the review. *Tips his
hat and walks out the door towards the kitchen. *
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