Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday Coffee: Bonding With My Dad

            Just sitting down to my first cup of coffee as I write this. And it has been a chaotic day so far. Thanksgiving is up in the air. All I really care about is spending time with Pam and my dad on that day though. But the other night was a good night since I had a good phone conversation with my dad. As I have the two times before that, which is a big step forward for us as we have been working on bonding more once more. And we’ve both been making progress lately, which makes me smile.
            As most of you are aware me and my dad didn’t have a great relationship when I was growing up. But he started changing when his grandson was born. And even more so after he met Pam. And since then we have been really working on our relationship. It is not all sunshine and roses though. But we are working on it. And the fact that he is willing to work on it means a lot to me. It helps inspire me to do better and be a better person in general. Plus, I’ve noticed some of his traits coming out in me as I take a new path in life. I am becoming a workaholic like him to an extent. But trying to keep it balanced with a social life. Though that is not always easy. It helps me understand his struggles with it.
            As I understand him better it helps me communicate with him easier. We still have differences don’t get me wrong. But we can agree to disagree for the most part. I’m always glad when I hear he is proud of me, and it helps that he supports me in my college career. It really does mean a lot to me. I look forward to the holidays because that is when I get to see him normally. Hopefully as 2016 comes into being I will get to see him more. I know he works hard and has little time off, but I am willing to work with him and his schedule to get some extra tome with him. Unlike me he is not a multi-tasker but I can do homework and talk to him at the same time. I’m pretty sure he can handle watching NASCAR and talking to me at the same time as well. So it is something we can share in our own unique way.
            I’ll have to run that idea by him when I see him or talk to him next time. Would be good to have a bunch of Sundays lined up to share with him. And he is welcome to come visit me as well, especially after I get a new television. That way he can watch things here as well on a nice big screen. Now that I am not ashamed of how my house looks. Before I used to dread him coming over because my house was a mess, but now that the house stays clean on a regular basis there is nothing to dread.
            He is welcome to come over anytime and play cards. I might even get him to let me teach him Magic: The Gathering or some other tabletop games. It would be nice having someone in the family that likes to play tabletop games besides me. Could make a family night out of it. I know I keep going off on tangents, but as I am writing this I am thinking of new and innovative ways I can spend more time with my dad.
            Though I know I have to be careful not to overdo it at first. I’m just thinking of now and down the road at the same time. I’ve lost a lot of time with him and I want to make up for it as much as I can. I know we both had to go through changes to get to the place we needed to be to form a bond. Just wish it hadn’t taken so long. But things take as long as they much for whatever reason they must. I’m just glad we are starting to bond more now. And I am looking forward to tomorrow despite all the drama that has happened and it looks like I will be meeting Pam’s son as well.
            As usual I have gotten long winded, but hopefully my dad reads this and smiles. I hope he knows I love him and always will. As for me I am going to get something more to drink and read a bit. And as usual you can leave comments and questions below. If you want my posts to go directly to your inbox put your email where it says follow by email. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and I will be posting tomorrow. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the kitchen. *

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