Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Writer’s Mind Inside Out

            I had a blast yesterday hanging out with Elle Henry, Sylvia Stein, and Lynette Lee. It was an amazing party.  And I encourage you to pick up Elle Henry’s More Than Words and Sylvia Stein’s Chasing Clarity. Both would make great Christmas Presents since it is coming up quickly. Or even just to spoil the book worm in yourself. I was so worn out after the party that I just basically passed out. Then when I woke up this morning I watched Inside Out, which is a good movie. I’ll be reviewing it in a couple of weeks. And it got me thinking.
            If that is the view of a normal average brain, then what is the view of a writer’s brain. I mean after all we keep characters in our brain as more than just memories. So would they be voices as well. And with all the characters we are constantly creating it might get a little crowded in the control room. I wonder how order might be maintained. Especially since we are basically creating people in our brains so do they have a smaller control room of people as well. And do voices ever retire at all? That is something else I wonder and might be addressed in a sequel. There are so many ways to go just from this one movie. I think I will have some fun with this as a writer.
            I know I am not getting this out as early as I want to, but some drama got in the way. It will work out I am sure. Trying to make it work out tonight but we will see. Working on a short story for a couple of contests and it is finally starting to come together in my head. It takes some time sometimes for me, but it eventually gets there, and amazingly always by the deadline. And then tonight I will be signing and sending out a contract for another story that will be appearing in an anthology soon, details coming soon. Just busy right now and planning to be busy still over vacation, which I am hoping to start early next week. And I’m feeling psyched about it. Seems to me sometimes I thrive under pressure.
            I could just be delusional about that though. But I am going with the flow and enjoying it though. Even though I will be busy as can be on vacation I will still be getting out. I’m not about to lose my progress in that department and become a hermit just because I am busy with work. There are a number of movies at the local movie theater that I want to see. So I will be getting out in the afternoon to see movies over vacation. Plus, I will be doing some people watching though not sure what I am doing for Thanksgiving.
            But I am sure something will fall into place. It usually does for me around the holidays. And they are always a good time for me. I get to spend them with family, which is normally a heartwarming time. We have our issues but we set them aside for the holidays. Weird as it may sound. Almost like how the Allies and Axis set aside the war in World War 1 and celebrated Christmas together. Little fact I learned from Lynette Lee.
            It’s getting late and I need to get freshened up for company later. So as always feel free to leave comments and questions below. And don’t miss a single post enter your email in the subscribe box above. As for me I am off for a shave and I hope you all enjoy your evening. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the showers. *

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