Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: Editors

            I do apologize for being absent yesterday and not having the double post up Monday. Been feeling a bit run down and needed some extra sleep. Hence why this is getting out so late. That and been working on an entry for a couple of contests so that it can get over to my editor in time. And like any good writer I know I would be lost without my editor. Editors are what makes us writers shine. They catch our typos and show us what we need to add in certain spots to make a scene more impactful.
            Editors also work with the writer not against them. They might frustrate you at times, but they are there to help you make you product better not work against you. Even I know what it feels when you think you wrote something awesome and an editor says it doesn’t work right. You learn that they aren’t out to hurt your feelings but to make your piece better. It sucks when what you thought was a cool line is struck down by an editor but it is usually for the best. Editors are not mean spirited people at all. They want you to succeed since if you succeed they get more work from you and you both benefit. They are really trying to look out for you and make your work the best it can be.
            Sometimes it is hard to take the criticism an editor gives us but they mean well they really do. It might seem terrible at first when dealing with edits but hang in there it gets better as you polish your work. Plus, it gives you an idea of where your work needs practice more. And that helps you become a better writer in the long run. Editors can save you from many rejections as well. Just by helping you polish up your roughly mined gemstone into the polished gemstone publishers see.
            Editors live and eat by how well their writing clients do, since if a writer succeeds they come back to give them more work. So they strive to make sure it is as polished as possible and the best it can be. Sometimes we as authors disagree with their suggestions, though they are usually right. But either way they mean well.
            I am lucky in that I get to work with an editor who is also a friend and knows how I think. So knows quite well how to polish it to get my thoughts on paper better than what I start out with. Most times being friends with your editor is a good thing. Though sometimes it can be a hindrance like when they want to be too nice. But like with my editor most will tell it to you straight and give you great suggestions.
            Well I suppose I have rambled on enough for one day. So as always feel free to leave comments and questions below. And if you want my posts to go directly to your inbox enter your email where it says subscribe. As for me I am off to get a midnight snack before getting back to work. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the kitchen. *

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