Sunday, November 29, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: My Beliefs

I was going to write about my great day with my family yesterday, but then I got to working on schoolwork last night. As well as talking to a friend who inspired today’s column. So you will have to wait till Monday to hear about my day yesterday. Today once more I find myself needing to be serious and say where I stand both spiritually and in some senses politically since the two seem to go hand in hand. Not so much because someone is demanding I do, but because I basically demanded everyone stand up for what they believe in yesterday. And I know I do it a lot, but here I am going to do it even more boldly.
            I don’t think I really fit in with any one religion to be honest. I believe in GOD but I believe he has a wife that is a Goddess. Sun and Moon in a sense as the Wiccans do. I believe in Christ and his teachings as well. I also believe in being at one with nature as well. I believe in using magic for good and to protect people. I also believe in other supernatural being that we just can’t see yet for whatever reason. I also believe that peace is the best path when it can be walked. But I will not turn the other cheek when hit either. I will not stand for abuse of women, children, or elders either. Doing one of those three things is just asking for a beating in my view. I believe in treating even the lowest human being on the totem pole with dignity and respect. I think we all go through our own spiritual journey to the same place we just take different routes to get there.
            And some take easier and harder roads to get there. It all depends on the challenges they have to face as well as the lessons they need to learn. Is how I see it. Life is like a classroom to me. We get sent down here to learn over and over again. And when we finally learn all we need to know we get to stay in Paradise. Though some of us once there want to help those learning so we take on roles to help them. But at the same time our bodies are just temporary structures for our spirit that go back to the Earth when we pass from this life to the next. But we recognize all our families from each life and they recognize us in Heaven.
            And no I don’t know that I am right for sure. I’m just going on faith from what I have learned and studied so far in life. As well as what has come to me in bits and pieces. My ideas will probably change over time as well. But my faith in an afterlife will not. Nor will my wishes for what is to be done with me after I die. I’ve spoken about it to some but yet to do it here I am pretty sure. I want to be cremated and buried as a tree with a headstone to show where I am buried as a tree. For those who want to come visit me. And I don’t want a sad mopey funeral. I want a party thrown with stories of me being shared and everyone having a good time. Since to me life should be celebrated not mourned.
            I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. And I welcome discussion about this. But I’m just saying what I believe and putting it out there. And I probably missed a few things as well. No one is going to hit every little thing in a post like this I know. But I wanted to try and start a civilized discussion to further my exploration as well as others on the spiritual path. So please do feel free leave questions and comments below. And if you want more of my posts to appear in your email enter your email in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am going to go do the dishes and get dinner. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the kitchen. *

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