Saturday, November 14, 2015

Saturday Thoughts: Aftermath

            Yesterday was a hard day, but the violence is over. Now we work on rebuilding and healing the wounded both physically as well as spiritually. And writers will write of both grief and the uplifting stories that come from this tragedy. Leaders will send their troops off to war. As we fight simply to preserve humanity as a species that is loving and compassionate. Not one that is filled with hate and cruelty. Granted we aren’t perfect as a species but we are making strides towards being the best we can be. We cannot these hate mongers drag us back from our goals. We have been faced with mass hate before in the past and looked it straight in the face and said no to it. And we shall do it once more with this round of hate.
            But the question we have to be asking ourselves is why does hate continually rise up. And it isn’t just an act of Satan. There is something in some people that make them hate those that are different than them. And we need to find the root of that. Then we need to treat it somehow. I look at hate as a disease that can and should be treated. After all no modern religion done in good faith to its core teachings calls for violence. It calls for peace and love. But there are those who would warp and twist these messages into a hateful message instead. We must combat these forces. And it should not be with more hate and intolerance. It should be with forgiveness and love and trying to help them find the right path. Though sometimes when they become violent we will have to respond with violence.
            But that might just be me not wanting to give up on seeing the good in people as well. For me humanity is overall good and the bad parts of it can be treated and educated and changed. I constantly see the good humanity is capable everyday on Facebook. I see it through actions and messages of reaching out to people as well as doing for others in need. And it keeps giving me hope for the human species. But then we have things like what happened in Paris yesterday happen and it shows me we still have some work to do. But I am confident we will get there. Maybe even in my lifetime, which would be nice to see.
            I know we have made great strides already. But I hope to see us make greater strides in my lifetime. It would be nice to leave this world under a unified world government. Or at least the start of one. What will it take for that to happen I wonder? I hope not another world war. It took two of them just to get the United Nations running. We need to all learn to live together in peace and understand each other better. Look at what we have done as individual nations. Imagine what we could do if we were all unified together as one planet. But no one wants to compromise or learn from the other. Each person has to be right and thus you get gridlock.
            I figure I have gone on long enough being as long winded as I am. As always feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want every post sent to your inbox put your email in the box that says subscribe. Or click the follow button to follow me. As for me I have a craving for some more coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the brewer. *

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