Friday, November 6, 2015

Rambling Friday: Where Has The Week Gone

            Seriously, where has the week gone? Last I knew it was Monday I swear it seems it has just flown by in the blink of an eye. I still can hardly believe it is already Friday. But I am at Elle Henry’s Release Party on Facebook and enjoying it immensely as well as looking forward to the video chat still to come. My final paper is already in to the editor and just waiting to hear back from her on what needs fine tuning. But other than that my schoolwork is done for the week. I plan to try and get a bit ahead before the weekend is out though. Since vacation is so close I can practically taste it.
           But even on vacation I will be working. I have tons of reading to do for reviews, and Fridays may become another double post day with all the movies I’ve been going to see lately. Not sure yet, but I do know Mondays will be a double post day starting next week as I start rolling out book reviews once more. So bear with me as once more we revamp format here and give you even more bang for your reading pleasure. I’m working on expanding my audience as we speak. I just joined a group called T.L Smith's Blogger Only Group, which will hopefully help boost my audience. And in turn I hope to boost their audiences as well. I have a bunch of paperwork to do tonight for school and an anthology I am going to be part of. Should be pretty quick and painless.
           Wheels keep turning and I keep getting myself more out there. I just keep telling myself all I have to do is keep writing and it will all eventually fall into place. I also have other places to look for work as well until I can do writing full time as a career. But I am trying to slowly get my career off the ground before I get out of school. So far it has been working fairly well. I could be doing better on the writing part admittedly, but I’m getting there. Just going to take a little more time to perfect it. That is the good part about college it gives you time to perfect your craft and working environment. And as I am headed out of my Sophomore year I am getting a much better handle on things thanks to all my advisers, friends, and family.
           And as I write this the video chat is going on now. It is mainly the old gang of writers back together again, which feels right since we started out together supporting each other. And now as the year is coming to an end we are all seeing success in some aspect or the other. We have become a writer family in a sense and it feel right and true. We still have friends and family outside of our work and hanging out with each other. But we rely on each other a lot still. I plan to be hard at work over vacation working on short stories and seeing what I can produce over the holidays. After all it is the month of writers.
           Things have wound down and the video chat is over. But it was a great time had by all. And I am down to just the final paper and the final discussion board and then I am on vacation. I’m cooking a midnight snack that smells about ready. So as always feel free to leave comments and questions below. And if you don’t want to risk missing a post enter your email above where it says subscribe. As for me I am about to enjoy some spicy soup. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed towards the kitchen once more. *

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