Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tuesday Coffee: Fresh Off A Great Weekend

I do apologize for not being here yesterday, I had one of my sleepy days where I just could not wake up for some reason. But I am wide awake today. Well for the most part still yawning a bit, but better than yesterday. I really do dislike my sleepy days, because I always want to be actively writing or studying or going out and doing something. Not just lying in bed like a lump on a log. But at the same time if that was the tradeoff for the weekend I had then I can live with it.
            Normally I only get to see my dad’s side of the family around the holidays, but I got to see them Saturday as well. Which was a real treat for me. Especially since my uncle Ron was up as well as my cousin Matthew with his wife, Jamie, along with their little girl, Madison. Madison is just a little cutie. Unfortunately, she is getting her first teeth, so like all of us were during that time she is in a bit of pain. But when the camera or a crowd of people are around her she just lights up with a smile.  It is adorable.
            I got to play Jamie in a game of Chess and she is pretty good. We discovered we both had played in our respective middle school Chess clubs as well. Plus, I found out she plays Magic: The Gathering, which is rare on that side of the family. As well as Dungeons & Dragons. And that was about as far as we got before Madison woke up from her nap. But I added her to my Facebook so that we can talk more. It will be nice having more than one person in the family that understands me.
            But the other cool thing was that after me and Jamie finished playing Chess the whole family sat around telling stories and joking around. It was great to be part of. I had to argue with my grandfather and stand my ground about sitting with the floor though. He means well just sometimes he over does it. And when he does and you are comfortable you have to stand your ground with him. I think that surprised everyone a bit. I also heard they were surprised with the wealth of knowledge I had. It’s like well if you let me speak you would know I had ideas as well as views on things that were educated. Just blew them away from what I heard.
            But it was good spending time with everyone. It meant a lot to me. Especially since I don’t get to get out there to see them as often as I want to. I know they all have routines and work a lot. It’s not like my mother who I can normally call up and say I want to see her. And within a couple of days she comes by and we go hangout or do something. With them I have to schedule it out ahead of time to a degree. And that is ok, but I do miss them a lot of the year. It is normally around this time that I get to see them. And I treasure all the time I get with them.
            How about you, my readers, is there a part of your family you wish you got to see more often at all? I know I have gotten long winded as always, so feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email right below where it says follow by email. As for me I am going to grab some dinner and figure out what to do next. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed towards the kitchen. *

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