Sunday, March 5, 2017

Back To The Books And Talking Inspiration

            Classes start tomorrow and I am starting to study today. Though been doing a bit of it here and there when not sleeping lately. Update I passed inspection. Still working on getting Moriah on the lease but it is seeing progress. So, time to hit the books once again. I am looking forward to it once more, and aiming to do better than last term by far. I know it might be difficult since I have a doctor this term for one of my classes, but he seems laid back overall. He is one of those teachers that inspires greatness in his students if that makes sense.
            He asked an interesting question that got me thinking for the blog today. Basically, it was what happens when inspiration is different from aspirations and expectations? I told him sometimes expectations have to be broken and aspirations have to be made bigger. We all come to Earth to learn more is my main belief. So, why not take advantage of every chance you have? You should follow those things you are passionate about and learn as much as you can about them.
            You are made to be passionate about them for a reason. It is not chance at all that you are made passionate about them. If it was then there would be people who were passionate about things that couldn’t explain why they were passionate about them. Yet, there are people passionate about things all over the world that know why they are passionate about things. Something higher than us gives us that passion and it is up to us to choose to listen or ignore it. To me the smart thing is to listen to it and study about that passion and make a living from it.
            I am inspired everyday by friends and colleagues I see living their lives around their passions. I see them living happier lives them someone doing a 9 to 5 just for the paycheck. When you do something, you are passionate about you are happier and tend to do it better as well as excel at it. After all you were meant to do it. You might not become a millionaire but you will live comfortably. And, from what I can see in a less stressful manner as well.
            I know every parent wants that star athlete or doctor or lawyer or even astronaut. But, ask yourself what is your kid really passionate about. Let them do pursue that. They will thank you down the road even as they still need reassurance at times possibly. I know I still do from my parents at times. They applaud me for going to college and doing what I want to do even as they are uncertain at times. I guess it does help that I have been published already in a couple of anthologies. Yes, a little bragging there.
            I have rambled enough for one day though. I know I am normally super serious, but sometime this upcoming week I might try out some comedy. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. As for me it is off to start on studies for the week. *Tips his hat and walks out the door*.

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