Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Feeling Alive This Morning Though I Know I will Be Snoozing Later

            I am wide awake this morning thanks to Garth Brooks and his song “Standing Outside the Fire”, which is on repeat. It always gets my blood flowing. And, I am one of those souls who has to run into the fire, and do my best to help. Where there is trouble, you will see me running towards it. I’ve always been one that instinctively goes to help despite the danger. Some call me a fool. I just say it is part of my genetics. I was not made to be an onlooker I was made to be a doer. I was made for helping people.
            And, hopefully I do a little of that from time to time with this blog. Whether it is a kindred soul or just something that relates to you that I have talked about. I know I talk about my life, but the comments and questions section is to hear about your life. So, that I can relate to you better. And, I plan to do a better job of answering comments and questions from now on. I’ve been slacking lately and I have to stop doing that. I also plan to do better at answering comments once I figure out how to on Odyssey. Plus, this blog will only be found as far as Facebook goes on my author page starting in April. And, I am going to be moving my Odyssey articles to there as well. Or at least sharing them to there. Just some updates for everyone.
            I’m going to be taking to my editor over on Odyssey about a serialized story in the next few days. It is from one of the characters I have been working on for a long time. The story came to me in a dream one night and just been trying the right way to get it out there. I’ve already started working on part 1. It is slow progress right at the moment, but I am sure it will pick up in the next few days. Writing is like any other art; some days go faster than others.
            I’m reading more on faith in an older National Geographic Magazine as I work to catch up on my reading. Faith is hard to have at times, but it has proven beneficial to my life so I try to encourage others to have some of it. Though I try not to be too preachy and just give it from my view in a post here and there. I know I can only encourage it for people I can’t make them have it. But, whether someone has faith or not I will still treat them with kindness and compassion.
            I also know I have to limit the number of books I am reading and finish up some of them. I have lost count of how many books I am reading at once right now. I have to wrangle them up and figure out where I am in all of them, and work on finishing up as many as possible. Some will have to be done by audio book, others with good old fashioned reading. Just going to have to curb the wanting of starting some of the new books I just got. Right now, I am only starting two new books and those are for book clubs. Maybe a couple for more depending on what a couple other book clubs are reading this month. But, I am also working to close my in progress of reading list as fast as possible.
            I have been in such a state of confusion or oblivion I am not sure which. It feels good to be getting back to myself and working on projects once more. The reinvigoration continues with some speed bumps in the way here and there. And, please do let me know if I ramble on longer than you like. I will try to cut it back if I do.
            For now though I think I have rambled on enough. Feel free to leave questions and comments below as always. As well as suggestions. I will take them into consideration. As for me I am off to do religious studies and then to do some more writing o maybe some more reading after that I haven’t quite decided yet. *Tips his hat and walks out the door*.

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