Wednesday, March 15, 2017

No One Is Hopeless

Hey you, yeah you there in the corner of the room.  The one everyone keeps making feel like is hopeless. I got news for you no one is hopeless. Not you, not the mentally ill, not criminals, no one. They just need someone to reach out to them and give them some guidance and an ear to listen to them and in some cases some meds.
I mean think about it when someone listens to you and offers you direction doesn’t it help. That is why mentor programs like the Big Brother and Big Sister program work so well. It is why Case Managers are so effective with their clients. Why counseling helps people. Why education help us improve when it is offered to us in a way that in meaningful to us works.
When doors are opened and you are inspired you feel like you can conquer the world, and everyone deserves that feeling. Even you sitting back there probably think what I am saying is impossible for you. I got news for you I was once sitting where you are today.
Then a door was opened for me and here I am talking to you, and if you make the choice you can be here telling someone else that they have a choice. It’s not as simple as the red pill or the blue pill like they say in The Matrix. No, this choice is just the choice to work for it. But, it is worth working for.
With this work comes dignity from going through the trial by fire. With it comes respect from showing what you can do as well. And, yes it takes time and effort, but you can do it. You can turn your life around from where it looks like it is heading. All you have to do is start with making the choice to do so.
Then you have to put in the work. And, trust me it is worth the work. I’ll be there if you need advice I’m not hard to find. And, there are others like you out there too who make the choice. And, you can support each other as well.
But, you got to make that choice and I am telling you it is worth it. There is nothing wrong with reaching for the stars. Find your passion and go for it.
Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you know someone like this share it with them you might inspire them. As for me I am off to do more work. *Tips his hat and walks out the door*.