Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Me And Magazines

            You know that joy as a kid when you get something in the mail addressed to you. That is how I first got involved with magazines with Highlights and Ranger Rick. Those were my very first magazines. It is what got me involved in reading and nature heavily. I moved on from there it Natural Geographic Magazine. It gave me history and nature all in one, and the pictures were amazing. It gave me a look into the world as well as a deeper understanding of science as well.
            I always looked forward to and still do to the newest issue arriving in the mail. It’s like unwrapping a Christmas Gift year-round. Fresh new articles and pictures to look at. Even with the digital editions as well. Plus, the digital editions have things the paper versions don’t. I still read National Geographic Magazine to this day. I also read a ton of other magazines. From cooking to writing and everything in between.
            I’m still not sure what my favorite is other than National Geographic Magazine. Though I like Time and Writer’s Digest are a couple that come to mind. I like TIME for all the news and insights it provides about things in general. It gives me a good summery of the news I might miss here and there in the newspaper and more in-depth as well. Plus, I get recommendations on books, movies, and music. And, in the digital version there are video extras as well.
            With Writer’s Digest I have the ability to see into other writers minds and provide my own viewpoint if the magazine selects it. And, I can get paid for it. It also has good advice for me as well. They also email me with contest and book offers to improve my skills. With the magazine, you get submerged into the whole brand basically. And, it is a brand I like a lot. You also get online articles as well as more in-depth views of articles as well from the digital editions of the magazines.
            And, with any magazine you get submerged into the brand. And, I am selective about my brands. National Geographic is a brand I am loyal too with magazines as well as some of the books, and movies. I’m still looking at other brands to be loyal too as well. And, I try to balance my magazine reading with my book reading. It is a lot on top of all the text book reading I do for school as well. Though when I put my mind to it I can zip through a lot of stuff.
            But, I have rambled on long enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, in the comments list your favorite magazines as well please. As for me I think I am going to go work on some more writing on read a magazine not sure which quite yet. *Tips his hat and walks out the door*.

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