Friday, March 24, 2017

A Message To The Spiritual Enemy

            I may be down right now and being guarded by the Lord’s Angels. But, I will rise again stronger than ever. I will survive this and be better for it. I will not let this break me spiritually or otherwise. I would still go through it all over again for all the happiness it brought me. And, if she comes back ever there are going to be some long hard talks as well as some trust building to go through. As well as amends and work to do with others.
            But, it doesn’t appear to be happening anytime soon, so I have to make it about me. I have to think about me and what I want in life right now. Right now, I know I need time to heal. And, that is going to require me leaning on my friends a bit. Just for talks about anything and everything as well as to kick my butt out of the house now and then. And, I know my family is there for me. And, I want them to know I am there for them as well. First woman I bring home that everyone likes and she breaks everyone’s heart.
            But, even as I take time for myself I have to keep up with my spiritual and academic studies. And, I plan to. I will not fall. I will rise from the ashes of this like a mighty Phoenix. I will conquer my issues fully eventually and be better than what anyone thinks I can be. I can feel the energy pulsing through me as I listen to the music. Not sure that makes any sense, but if you have had a similar experience you will now what I mean.
            I am not backing down from any of my goals either. Not walking away from any of my projects either. There was a time I would have, but my peers changed my mind. They showed me I belong there. And, I thank them for that. And, if I become the old crazy cat Professor so be it. I will still be happy with myself. And, I am not going to shy away from playing computer or video games. That means you better come over some time for some Mario and Donkey Kong mom.
            Oh man, we had some royal fun with those games. I will be picking up those games for the Wii soon as well as Zelda. I am hoping they live up to expectations. Still trying to figure out what to get with the Nintendo 3DS besides Pokemon. I have something in mind but want a third option as well. Wonder if I can get mom addicted to it? Probably. Then at least we could have our own game night even when she is living outside of the city. I’ll still win though. And, I can already picture her response to that.
            I am also slowly putting together a Saturday Night Tabletop Gaming Night. Just have to get a start date settled on and some stuff out of the way for it. Feels good to be getting away from the computer a bit and into some other things. Those other things will end up getting written about of course. And, I just thought of a title for the piece as well. Of course, it will be found only on Odyssey. We are stronger together after all. And, no that is not the title. You will just have to wait and see when I debut it. Smiles.
            My reviewing starts next week as well. It is time to start picking up the pieces. It is time to start rising. There will be one last thing about my heartbreak from Odyssey and that will be that. I am tired of feeling like this and I am choosing not to. It won’t be easy, but I am going to do my best. And, we are coming up on the 365th entry and not sure how to celebrate that yet. I will think of something though. But, know that I am slowly getting better.
            I have rambled on enough for one day though. Feel free to leave questions and comments as always. Maybe leave comments on what is a good game for the Nintendo 3DS as well. As for me I am being summoned to chat on Odyssey’s chat platform and I have schoolwork to finish tonight as well. From there I am not sure where I go. *Tips his hat and walks out the door a little straighter*.

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