Saturday, March 18, 2017

If I Could Sleep For The Next 6 Days I Would

            Yeah, I know not many people would want to sleep for six days, but I would. And, why because that is when my other half gets back. She had to take a trip to go keep a promise is all I can say right now. I promise when I can say more I will. And, I miss her like crazy. Just the little things like her arm over me when she went to sleep. Or a reminder of my pills. Even the checking up on me every so often. The little sarcasms I would get here and there when I stuck my foot in my mouth. Even how she makes me overheat in general. Then how she is nice enough to open the window a little so I can cool off.
            She makes me feel like I can conquer the world if I want to. Like I can do anything I set my mind to. And, even so far away she is still making me feel that way. She is keeping me pumped to stay on top of my schoolwork, which I am going to tackle possibly the rest of after writing this. I know she would want me to and the way she has me driving I could be done the term early. I like that idea a lot. So, I am going to keep going at a hundred miles an hour. It’ll give me more time to spend with her when she gets back at the very least.
            She has me writing at full steam again as well. I think there is a good chance I will meet my 1500 words in a week goal this week. And, that is on top of writing here. On top of working on a serialized set of articles I am working on a couple of manuscripts as well. And, she has me being diligent on those. Plus, she has me taking time out to enjoy movies and documentaries as well as podcasts and music. Though podcasts and music normally happen when I am doing some sort of writing or studying. Or even reading at times.
            I’m hoping to get her out to do some shopping eventually and maybe even more seeing museums and stuff like that. I plan to get a new video game system next month that I hope we will be enjoying together. She has me wanting to balance seriousness with relaxing more. I am still trying to find the balance but she has me working on it. And, some see me doing too much relaxing, but I am trying to do more active work and intellectual work with the time I have and relaxing with the time I have to relax. It is tricky to do I know, but I am working on it.
            I’m reading a lot of good stuff lately outside of the new. The news just irritates me still. I am learning more about faith through National Geographic Magazine, which I am behind on. It is the December Issue from last year. It is interesting how much faith plays in healing. I also got a bit interested in a police procedural author who is also a medical examiner reading in Writer’s Digest. On another note, I am getting anxious to get back to Tropico 4 as well as Mario Kart 7.
            I know I m a gaming junkie. But, it helps when there is not a group of people to gather around the table and play a tabletop game with. Another reason for me wanting to get schoolwork done early is because I want to eventually have a gaming night on Saturday Nights. Maybe a couple friends over and gather around the table and play a tabletop game of some sort. And, at the end of the month each month vote on a new game to get or invest in one we are already playing. As you can see I am undergoing changes and not sure where I will end up.
But, I have rambled on enough for one day. I say day now since it is past midnight signaling a new day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. Moriah if you are reading this I love you, and I am going to go take my meds as soon as I post and share this. Then I will go read, study, and play some games. *Tips his hat and walks out the door slowly*.

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