Sunday, March 26, 2017

So What Makes Me Qualified To Review Video Games?

            I know everyone and their uncle seems to be reviewing stuff, and you’re wondering what makes me qualified to review video games. Well until I had taken a break from them I had played on every system since the Atari 2600. Any system that had come out I had tried at least a little bit. And yes, some were better for me than others. I will admit to not being a big Xbox fan. Just they don’t have what I am looking for normally. About the biggest thing, they have that I want to play is Halo. Other than that, not much excites me from them at the moment. I’ve seen a few titles, but they were also available on other systems who’s controls I preferred.
            When I first played PlayStation, it was cool. You had some great games that had a great one player game build for them and the multiplayer game was secondary.  Now it seems like all their games are built to be multiplayer games and if you are lucky there is a decent single player game in there. Don’t get me wrong I like the social aspect of gaming, but sometimes I just want to play by myself. I wat to slay the bad guy alone or try a level alone. Sure, if I need help it is nice to know I can call it in. But, let me at least have a shot at it first. I mean part of the fun of gaming is bragging about “your” high score or “your” fastest time. Not the team’s. I wouldn’t mind if there were some cooperative games and some competitive games out there. But, they all seem to be about forming teams and working together against others. Not just about the individual at all. Now I am all for team spirit, but there has to be some individualism at times as well. And, maybe it is just what I am seeing in my sister’s game playing style.
            Now to an old favorite and what I was raised on, Nintendo. I play other systems but keep coming back to this brand. They have the wide selection of games I like and come up with new ones. Plus, they have come out with a good multiplayer platform for their new systems while keeping a good single player game going from what I have seen. And, at the same time made some games for just multiplayer, but that can be played single player as well. I just enjoy Nintendo more than other brands overall, which is why I am starting with it in my video game reviews. That and hoping to make more fond memories while doing the research for it.
            After all my love of Nintendo began to form mainly with playing the Super Nintendo on rainy days huddled around the tv with friends and my mother. We’d all take turns even my mother passing the controllers around and attempting levels one after the other. Making jokes left and right. The living room was packed on those days. I miss it a lot and hoping to make memories like that with the systems I am planning to get. Starting with the Nintendo 3DS. Only time will tell though.
            And, I am sure I will make new friends with the games I play as well. I have already found some Facebook Friends that play some of the games I want to play. So, there will be new memories mixed with some nostalgia possibly. The sky is the limit for me. And, yes you can see I have some formed opinions already about systems, but I will approach each game open minded. I always try to do that as best as I can. If a game looks good to me I will try it. And, I will be experimenting with a few as well. Just to see if I might like them or if I am turned off by them. After all some of my favorite games were ones I took a chance on.
            But, I have rambled on enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below as always. Expect the first review sometime in the next two weeks. As for me I am off to do some reading and a bit of studying before turning in for the day. Man Monday can’t get here fast enough for me. *Tips his hat and walks out the door standing up straight and walking confidently*.

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