Monday, February 27, 2017

Feeling Reinvigorated

            Well another term has ended and surprisingly I am feeling reinvigorated. I’ve also gotten into Mario Kart 7 recently. That game is just a ton of fun. I’ve unlocked two cups and a car upgrade so far and looking to have more fun with it as I challenge myself more with it. As you probably have noticed I stopped doing the days of the week with this blog. It just makes it easier to post, though it means having to come up with more unique titles. I am ok with that and hopefully you like the new format.
            I am aiming to get back on the ball with some writing prompts now and write more often. They probably won’t be story ones. But, you never know when a short story will pop up on here. For those liking my Odyssey work don’t fret I am still there and doing work for them. I am also going to be looking for other freelance jobs though too, so you will have to keep an eye out for where my work will be appearing in the future.
            I am picking back up on my quitting smoking campaign as of today, with some new twists that I am keeping under my hat. Part of which is going to be keeping myself distracted more, so you might see more posts than when I was doing it on a regular basis, and some more reading to keep me distracted as well. Plus, computer and video games. Then when term starts back up I am going to try and drown myself in studies a bit as well. On top of all that I am going to be working on my religious studies a bit more diligently as best as I can. Not saying everything is going to go perfect, but I am going to give it my best shot.
            I am also going to try focusing more on my writing as well. Might try to get ahead on my Odyssey articles. Will have to wait and see how that goes. Lately it seems like I do better being nocturnal. Now if only my providers worked with me being that way as well as a few other services I need to survive. Don’t worry not going back into that rant again I think I made my point last time. I am just going to have to limp through the day when I have to be part of it and be nocturnal the rest if the time it seems. Not sure how that is going to work out. Though I know I will find a balance in the end.
            I have a stack of digital books and magazine a mile high to read and I know I can read them all I just have to put my mind to them. Probably going to mean reading a few chapters in a book a day and a magazine a day for a while, but I will get caught up eventually. I never mean to get behind I just somehow always end up that way, and then I go on a reading marathon to catch up. Though enjoyable I would prefer reading steady in general instead of fast and slow with reading.
            And yes, I know I have done some stupid things in my life and still am not quite there yet. But, the difference is that now I am trying.   And, people will ask why the change. Well first God smacked me upside the head. Then I met a wonderful woman named Moriah who is part of my life. And, then the landlord came down hard on me. The first two were enough to get me going in the right direction. The third is just speeding things up a bit. I don’t mind moving, but I would rather not have to. So, I am going to do my best to get things squared away with the landlord.
            But, I have rambled on enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. As for me I think I might do some reading or more writing not sure which yet. Actually before that I am going to play some more Mario Kart 7. *Tips his hat and walks out the door*.

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