Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Finally It’s Monday

            Yes, it’s finally here, Monday! I have been waiting all weekend for Monday, and am so excited for it to be here. I still have to wait an hour for my mom to get here to give me a ride, but everything is going great so far. I am looking forward to getting my new system and getting the phone taken care of. I am also hoping to get some ice coffee soon. I also want to be able to get something good for lunch and something good for dinner tonight. But, we will see how everything pans out.
            A friend told me earlier in the day that they were doing a memoir for themselves that was a hard look in the mirror, and I think I might do that tomorrow here. Just hold the mirror up to myself and see what I see. I’m not sure what I will see, but I know I need to do it for me. I need to be honest with myself about where I stand with myself right now. And, then build from there. And, no matter how good or bad it is I will build. There is always room to build.
            But, for today I am going to enjoy myself. I am going to enjoy video games and eating good food and having good drink. We all need those good enjoyable days now and then free from commitments. Today is that day for me. I am still unsure of the third game I am going to get, but we will see. I am running numbers in my head even now as we speak as to how much can be spent and on what. I will have it all balanced out in my head when the time comes though.
            Just the adrenaline pumping in anticipation of getting started. I want to go go go. But, I am doing my best to wait patiently and writing this entry is helping. And, this is just the before part of it. I am still planning to write an aftermath of the day, maybe even in this same entry. Haven’t quite decided yet. But, it will be interesting. Of course, it will be some time after everything is done before I write it since I will be playing video games for a while.
            Well now it is Tuesday. I kind of got carried away with the games playing and needed a nap as well. I also have discovered that my sitting up in bed is part of my sleep apnea. Unfortunately, I discovered it the hard way. I put my head through the wall and had to have EMTs come and they informed me of it while checking me out. I look worse than it is though. All mostly superficial damage. Just really tender right now. I will get better in time though unfortunately I have to go out in public tomorrow. Something I am not looking forward to. But, it is one of those things to help me get better.
            I am having a blast with the Nintendo DS. All the games I got are great so far, but I am looking into them more in depth to get a better feel for them. But, they are enjoyable. I just want to make sure I get a full in depth feel for them before reviewing them. The researching is fun so far though. Some of them are more challenging than others I will admit. But, I like challenging puzzles to figure out. Maybe that would be a good day job for me as well. Just a thought. Maybe I will explore that more in another post.
            But, I have rambled enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments as always. As for me I am going to play some more games and do some homework and then do some more writing. But, first going to deal with a little issue on the GameStop website and then scripture work. *Tips his hat and walks out the door*.

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