Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Break From My Heartache To Look At Something Else

            Now as much as my heartache is still there and I would like to dwell on it more. The world still does spin around. Just not in a way that we feel normally. Anyways back to where I was heading. According to Time Magazine Trevor Noah said that the older generation was a me generation. And, that is not entirely true or false. After all it is hard to classify any generation under one umbrella. There can be a trait similar to what seems like the majority but doesn’t describe all of a generation after all.
            Now granted many of the Baby Boomer Generation as they are known are approaching retirement age and a lot of them want what they were promised so many years ago. I can see how some would say they are a me generation. But, they worked hard for what they are asking for and made the country better, and some even after getting that are continuing to make the country better. They vote how they always have believing it is still the same as always.
            Maybe what needs to happen is the younger generation needs to educate the older generation so they understand what is actually in the best interest for them and everyone around them. I know how it is to be set in your ways at times and how it takes a wakeup call to get shaken out of it. It is up to son and daughters and grandchildren to educate their elders on the reality of the world around them. That way they can work better together.
            A lot of what the older generation is listening to out there is propaganda. They need to know how to do their own research in this digital age. And, how to recognize a reliable source from a nonreliable source. And, that can be hard in this day and age. Everyone wants their point of view heard. Even me as an editorialist and reviewer. You have to take in the information and dissect it for yourself most of the time.
            And, some of the older generation knows no other lifestyle other than working and is upset that they can’t work anymore. The younger generation can help here as well with channeling that energy into helping with mentoring programs as well as other volunteer programs that can use them. Just because the older generation is older doesn’t mean they are useless either. Just that they have to transition into other forms of working that society still values.
            For some hobbies that they have been meaning to get to might be the way to go as well. Like some of that fishing they have been meaning to get to for so many years. For others, it is something else that they have put off for years. And, trust me I understand the wanting to work more than anyone. This blog is part of my work. And, for some maybe they can work on family history for instance. Or religion even. I can’t speak for everyone because there are so many possibilities out there.
            But, I have rambled on enough for one post especially after those huge ones the past couple of days. And, I plan to have another one up later today detailing some changes to the blog. I think you will like them. Feel free to leave questions and comments as always. As for me I have a few things to research before bed and some schoolwork to do. *Tips his hat and walks out the door standing a bit straighter*.

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