Monday, March 13, 2017

A Welcome Wake Up Call

            Over the past couple of days I have had a welcome wake up call to how I am perceived and what I do to others around me. I have to admit I was blind to it being stuck in my own little world. So, now that I know I working on making amends and saying thank yous for all those that have dealt with me for so long. As well as trying to do better going forward. Will I be successful always, no. But, I will do my best to improve and make progress as best as I can.
            I’ve been stuck inside my head for so long that it is going to take some work. But, I have some progress already made and plan to build on it. And, it will take time. I’m not sure how much, but I am setting a goal of being back to how I was at 18 as far as going out and doing stuff for three years. And, the same goal goes for being able to run a house on my own. I’m still going to do my best to lose weight as well and might add exercise into it as well. Though how long it takes to do that I’m not sure.
            I’m going to show Moriah a program tomorrow and see what she thinks and see if she will train with it with me. I like the program just never have anyone to train with me. I figure do that every other day and go for a walk with her every other day. I’ll see what she thinks of the idea tomorrow or maybe if I am ambitious later tonight. I hope she likes the idea and I know it is going to take some effort on my part. Just hope I am up for the challenge. And, I am not starting till after this blizzard passes by and everything is cleaned up from it.
            And, it will take a bit longer for this to get out than normal since I am cooking dinner as I am writing this, so bear with me. Making Baked Chicken, Baked Baby Potatoes, and Creamy Noodles (still deciding on the flavor). Ended up being Chicken flavor, which is fitting considering the main course. Though I still messed up at the end and ended up in pain for me. But, this does have me started on wanting to help out with dinner more and learn more. So, I am going to become the regular kitchen assistant, and learn.
            After dinner I am going to be going through a set of shelves and sorting out stuff. Yes, I am starting my Spring Cleaning in the middle of a blizzard bearing down on me. Seems kind of fitting for those that know me. The biggest project will be tackling the closet in my room. It has accumulated so much stuff over the years it is not even funny. The hardest part will be the bookshelves. But, I am sure I have a few books up there that can go. Just a matter of weeding them out one by one. There will be some wheeling and dealing when it comes to the bookshelves I am sure.
            But, first I will finish here. I have but a delay on my serialized story to make sure it is written right. I am still working on it. Just it is not being published right away. Sometimes it just takes longer to get certain stuff out is all. It just requires more polishing is all. It’ll get there within this year though I am pretty sure.
            But, I have rambled on enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below as always. And, if there is someone in your life that needs a wakeup call remember they might be grateful for it. As for dinner it turned out pretty good, no one got food poisoning so far. And, now I have more work to do. *Tips his hat and walks out the door*.

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