Thursday, February 25, 2016

Wednesday Coffee: Hoping Today Goes Smoother

            So yesterday and today have not exactly gone as planned, but today has gone smoother than yesterday. Yesterday I woke up groggily and slowly got ready for the gym when my mother called asking for help with electronics. So I changed out of my gym clothes and into my jeans to wait for her to arrive. The computer stayed at home since her house doesn’t like my computers for some weird reason. But I was over there for a good part of the afternoon and had a good time. Once I figured out what needed to be done it didn’t take too long to get it done.
            Unfortunately, I don’t think it was what my mom thought it would be. I think it just acts as a part of a smart television when you don’t have one, but she thinks she can stream anything she has on the computer through it. The only way I know to do that is with an HDMI cord so far though. And a ROKU is better than the device she bought for streaming stuff. At least from what I have heard it is. But that is only from what I’ve heard.
            Today didn’t get off to the quick start I expected since Mother Nature decided to bring snow to my friend, Lynette Lee. But we soon got back on track and finished up earlier than expected. Even with a dinner break thrown into the mix. And I got to listen to the news from the day still. Though most of it I knew already. Nothing for me to rant about yet this week, but the week is young. And I know this will be going up late and I apologize for that in advance, but it has been one of those days.
            Tomorrow’s should be up more on time. I’m not even sure I will sleep tonight. I might just stay up all night writing with a little bit of reading thrown into the mix. Just feeling really good right now is all. Though that can change at times. And I keep thinking back to the days when I used to email people constantly and find myself missing the feeling of communicating through email. Don’t get me wrong I like instant messaging and all. But there is something about emailing that I enjoy especially.
            It would be nice to have people to email again on a regular basis. Or just reasons to email people I know already besides sending file attachments at times or invitations to programs. Sometimes even for a chat about what book we are reading or project we are working on. Or even something we are having trouble on. As it stands right now most of what I get in my email are the equivalent of flyers. Some good and some just a pain in the butt to deal with. Would be a change to have something to look forward to in my email box.
            I mean it is always a good thing when my advisor emails me back or one of my professors does. But I can’t email them all the time just because I want someone to email with. Maybe there is an answer for me on reddit. I’ll have to create an account there and see. Besides I also want to be part of more message boards as well. I keep hearing from the original posters about how awesome they used to be and I want to experience it for myself.
            So it seems I have given myself some work to do in the early morning hours. But feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want my posts to show up in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says to follow by email. As for me I am off to surf around the internet a bit and do some searching. *Tips his hat and walks out the doors heading back into the study. *

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