Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday Coffee: Caught By Hump Day

            I’ve been tumbling through most of this week, but when I got to hump day it caught me and sat me down to think. Of course at that point my thoughts went in a million directions at first. But eventually they settled down. And then they started to think about what has gone on the past few years, and yes this may turn into a rant. But bear with me because it is a well-deserved rant towards at least my state if not all states for how they treat the mentally ill.
            They treat us as undesirables, just like they treat the homeless. Just a bit worse since the homeless get forced on us into our sanctuaries. And I am not saying the homeless don’t deserve good treatment that is not what I am saying. But we have our own issues and they have theirs and bringing theirs onto us is not fair to us. Since the place I used to call a sanctuary has been forced to allow homeless people to be part of it we now have drug issues as well as bed bug issues there.
            There are more fights and we cannot talk about our issues openly with a secure feeling like we used to be able to do. The quality of everything there has gone down including the food and volunteer opportunities. The environment is more tense and forget about any donations helping out who they were intended to help. And it seems like anytime we come up with a service to help ourselves it is taken away to a big company that has no idea how to run it like it was meant to be run, by peers.
            And the government keeps cutting funding to our programs like we don’t deserve to have anything nice or any reason to live. Even knowing that we die 25 years younger than other people on average. They still seek to cut our programs or any programs that could help with our health mentally or even our nutrition. Like it is our fault we have mental illness. Some of us became mentally ill from abuse, being in the military, or just plain out right genetics.
            But they still treat us like it was our own fault. Or we had a say in it. Cutting away at our life lines so their rich buddies can have more money. There was a time in this country when the rich were taxed at the very least fairly and in that time the country produced more jobs and educational opportunities than ever before. And if we did that again we could also treat the mentally ill like the human beings they deserve to be treated like.
            We are human beings and for all the cutting that the government does for the ones who die because of it their blood is on the governments hands. And that blood cannot be washed from their hands. They can only make it right for future generations by giving the funding back and the treatment to the mentally ill that they deserve. And to stop lumping them in with the homeless as one group. Maybe then they might be a little redeemed for what they have done for all these years past.
            I’ll step down off my soapbox for now, but this issue is far from done being dealt with. Tomorrow I will have a little bit of a mellower tie in to it with less ranting. But for now feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want to have my posts show up in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says to follow by email. As for me I am going to relax with an audio book before dinner. *Tips his hat ad walks out the door heading towards the library. *

1 comment:

  1. Very good blog Chris it addresses a very good issue. I will share it on Facebook too
