Saturday, February 6, 2016

Saturday Coffee: Finding My Own Way

            Thanks to my doctor I am a little bit out of limbo. And still on the path to quitting. Doc just wants me to work on cutting back more and work on quitting still while taking the Chantix. So it turns out I was using it right all along, which was a relief to me. As well as making it easier to find my way towards quitting. It takes a great deal of the stress away from it. Though the sleep pattern is still messed up, but not as messed up as when I was going cold turkey.
            What would help more is if there wasn’t a snowstorm coming in yesterday. Makes it harder to get to counseling as well as to get out in general. But Tuesday I will get a pass to the museum and try and get some pictures of that trip. And hopefully next week when theater times & showings come out there will something showing that I want to see. But still not sure what to take for the headaches. The stuff I normally take won’t touch these ones.
            Luckily they are low grade headaches with just a bit of pulsing to my heartbeat. So they aren’t super painful. More of an annoyance really. I’m learning that talking to people helps me keep awake when there is no cigarette to be had, so planning to limit my cigarettes during conversations. That should greatly help me cut back as I engage in more hangouts and face to face talks as well. Knowing I am using the Chantix right allows me to push myself more.
            Granted I had a binge smoking fest on the 3rd, but that was careless of me. I should have been more conservative with my smokes even on a day I’m used to being frivolous with them. But that was then and I learned from it I hope. And going to take it one day at a time. I’ll make plans in advance to help me, but in general it will be one day at a time. That’s always been hard for me. I used to constantly look towards the next weekend or week in Portland where I could be free.
            So this will take some adjusting to in some ways as I add it to my college ways as well. But I am sure I will adjust. I always have in the past even if it took some time. What I have learned is that the only way I am going to beat this is my way. Everyone has their own unique stories of how they beat smoking. And I have to find my way. For once I can’t be trying to fit a mold. I have to figure out what works to keep me distracted and craving free.
            Another way to look at it is that I am building my own willpower house and working on the foundation, which I want to be sturdy. As well as finished like the rest of the house. So I’m taking great care with it. Testing every crevice making sure it is strong, then putting the drywall up along with possibly newer floor instead of concrete. Along with good solid stairs as well. Probably Oak stairs.
            This is stuff that wasn’t taught to me as a kid so it makes it a bit harder. There has never been a quit in anything my family does (part of the problem right there if you ask me) until recently when it came to health problems. And even then how they overcame their problems has been over exaggerated. I swear my family guards its pride so much that it is like a disease through the core of us. I wonder how bad it will hit me when I am older since it already shows up in me now as it is.
            I suppose I yacked your ears off enough for one day. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. If you want my post to appear in your inbox everyday enter your emails address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am going to go find some breakfast. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the kitchen. *

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