Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Beginnings: Time For The Big Announcement

            Everyone has been patient concerning the big announcement. The big announcement is that Keystrokes is folding and we are going rogue with me at the helm and forging our own magazine. IT will be called Readers & Writers, We’re going to cover Literature, Science, History, Politics, Music, publish Short Stories, and some Miscellaneous Columns. I want everyone from Keystrokes to be on board and feel part of the team.
            This allows us to bring in outside talent and people who have already graduated. Whether graduated or not or from SNHU or not does not determine your level of importance. What does is your quality of work. Now we have no funding to back us up right now so this is a pro bono gig but eventually we hope to make this a paying gig down the line. After all no one makes a magazine just for the sake of making a magazine that I know of.
            This is going to be a slow moving process. We are not expecting to put out an issue this year. After all we want to put out a well written well-polished debut issue. As well as make sure we have all the rust worked out of the gears. And have everyone working where they need to be working. We can do this and we know we can. There has just been a bunch of red tape holding us back and now that red tape is out of the way.
            So we are going full speed ahead. I’ll be steering this ship and guiding it through the oceans of pre-production to production. We’ll be using Microsoft One Note to exchange notes and quick information and email for longer things and files. And you don’t have to worry about me missing an email I am constantly checking my email on my computer and phone throughout the day. I have every app we are using on both my phone and computer and all writing files will be in .doc.
            We’re going to be full color. Not black and white. I want us taken as seriously as the rest of magazines out there and not like just some student magazine. We are going big because we are not going home. We are going to hit them hard and make an impact. I want people in journalism being envious of us and those writing short stories wanting to have their stuff published in our pages. I want Historians coming to us begging to have their findings published in our pages along with Scientists. I want bands begging to have their album release broken by our magazine.
            I know ambitious, but at the very least I want us to be able to make a steady income from this. I’ll be making this announcement more formally and condensed all over later today. But as for right now I’ve got a writing workshop to get ready for. So as always feel free to leave questions and comments below or in this case contact me or Brandy Vaughn. If you want my blog posts to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I’m off to get some coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the brewer. *

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