Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday Chit Chat: The Week Has Flown By

            It has been another one of those weeks that has flown by though in a good way. I’m ahead in both of my classes so far and enjoying them both immensely. And starting to get a regular sleep pattern in place to a degree. And making plans for the future, some I am looking forward to and some I am nervous about. But only time will tell how well they go. Thanks to my friend Tim helping out today I got grocery shopping done in a timely manner and am all set for the month ahead.
            The last time I tried tackling two classes at once I was all over the place this time I was more prepared and more disciplined going into the term. I also have been using time management better than I did last time. Especially since someone else is depending on me to be more on my game in that respect. And working with a friend on a class has made it more fun as well. But I know I have to work on aspects of the class on my own as well. But where collaboration can be had I welcome it.
            The other class where I am more on my own has been a little more boring in the reading but has allowed me to share some things about me that other classes haven’t in the past. And it is allowing me to improve my writing skills in general. Though it has made me miss having pen pals via email. I remember getting to school and checking my email to see if I had anything from my pen pals each day. As well as checking each day in the public library to see if any of my friends had written me. That was before I discovered instant messaging but even then there were still people I emailed regularly. Now I pretty much do everything by instant message.
            I’ll have to see if there is something like an email pen pal service out there. It would be nice to email back and forth with someone again. Would be a change of pace for me and who knows what I could learn from them. But if there isn’t maybe there is a market for something to be started there who knows. The things that come to me when I am jamming out while writing the daily column I swear. But that is how the week has been in some respects.
            With ideas just coming to me left and right. And I have just been going with the flow. Though admittedly I haven’t been out much this week. But I know some weeks will be like that and I am ok with it. I figure I will get out either Monday or Tuesday next week and see a movie. Maybe later in the week I will get out to just people watch if it warms up enough. If not there is always getting out to the living room and watching some Netflix or something on the television for a change of pace.
            But most of my week is dedicated to studying and I am looking forward to it. Though I will do my best not to be an antisocial hermit at the same time. Still working on a balance with that. But getting better with it slowly. But right now I am in a happy place and trying to make sure I take care of my health at the same time. Working on following a new schedule and been doing pretty good with it overall though I could be doing better. But it is only the first week. So I will see how I do next week and make improvements to it at the end of the second week.
            For now, I better get to work on setting up for next week’s studying and tying up any loose ends for this week’s studies though. But feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you want my posts to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the study. *

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