Friday, February 26, 2016

Rambling Friday: The Week Is Ending On A Better Foot Than It Started

            Well the week started off after having a bad week so it was starting out on a low note, but it is finishing on a high note. Most everyone who was in crisis at the beginning of the week is doing better now. Plus, I found out some financial news that I good for me. And it looks like I will meet my deadlines on time without a problem. I also have a friend coming over  this morning that I haven’t seen in a while, so there might be a long pause in me writing this column. But it will still get out in a timely manner today.
            I’m looking forward to Monday and having lunch with my mother as well. I plan to try and make it something healthy instead of fast food. Maybe a seafood place, I’m still not sure yet. But I’m also thinking of getting a Nintendo 3DS for when I want to play video games on the road and don’t want to use up my phone battery. I miss playing games like Pokemon, Castlevania, and Zelda to name a few. But I refuse to let it interfere with my studies.
            Or my reading goals, which just got upped since I fell behind in my magazine reading. But I will catch up it is only a matter of time. Just means I have to start reading one of the newer magazines and then going back and reading an older one each month. Besides I am kind of curious as to what National Geographic Magazine has become under Rupert Murdoch. I’m so far behind I haven’t gotten to read any of the issues since he took over the magazine.
            I’m hoping it is still worth reading, but I am prepared for the worst. Though the cover of the latest magazine had me interest in the article inside. Of course it also made me hungry too. I’ve got to get my butt into gear though and stop slacking off on my reading goals and start reading more than I have been. I admit I have been slacking off on my reading lately. I do a lot of it in class and I’ve been listening to audio books at night but that is no excuse. Time to get back in the game.
            And I mean to start tonight, well this morning. But you know what I mean. Going to get my reading in order and start on it as well as get my sleeping pattern as in order as I can. I’m already updating my library on my phone and will be on my Kindle later. I’m getting things in order as I write this column. It will take a couple of days to get the ball rolling fully maybe. But I am going to do my best to get it started today as best as I can.
            I know my supports are doing their best to help me. But when it comes right down to it when all the cards are on the table the only one who can do this is me. And I have to figure out a strategy to make it all come together. As well as get up off the mat where life has had me for a while now and start hitting back. I’ve managed to do it with school. Now it is time to start doing it in other areas as well. Time to crack the neck and get my head on straight once more.
            I may take a few steps back here and there but it is time to keep moving forward. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am off to do some reading in a bit after doing a little file shuffling. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the library. *

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