Thursday, February 11, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Grandma Bartlett

            I know I have been silent for a good part of the week but been working my butt off to get a good start in the term, and still adjusting to the new schedule. Been going a hundred miles a minute from the day before the start of term. So haven’t mastered getting the blog out in a timely manner cause been low on energy and been using the energy I have for studying.  But been having a blast with my classes this term so far. Grandma Bartlett or as I call her Gram would be proud of me for studying so hard.
            Gram always encouraged me to have fun with work and study. She used to get me out from in front of the television by letting me help her in the kitchen with baking. I always enjoyed those days. Granted she probably shouldn’t have let me lick bowls clean and eat left over dough with my weight issues. But then again grandparents are supposed to spoil their grandkids. She had me measure out ingredients unless there was a necessity to be extremely careful with the amount. I wasn’t as coordinated as I am now back then.
            She also kept me away from the stove when I was very young to keep me from burning myself. Still to this day whenever I am out to her house the first thing you will hear out of my mouth is me asking if there is anything I can do to help in the kitchen. She is the major reason I was not more isolated than I was. She took time to read to me at breakfast and listen to me when I needed to talk. As well as play cards with me when I was stuck home from school because of snowstorms, holidays, or school out of session days.
            She even tried playing catch with me as best as she could. Though that ended after she fractured a finger. I couldn’t bring myself to ask her to play catch with me after that. I just felt too guilty about her finger getting broken while playing catch with me even though it was an accident. She never blamed me for it or anything like that. She always assured me it was ok and that accidents happen. But I still felt guilty and blamed myself.
            I think the kitchen has always been me and Gram’s place. Since other than me and her baking my other fond memory is breakfast time with her. She would always make something good and hot for me and then read to me as I was eating. She would always finish the chapter she was on even if I was done eating and even sneak in a chapter now and then as well. She always encouraged me to be a good reader as well. Taking me to the library when she could. She wanted me away from the television as much as possible.
            Not so that I wouldn’t be in touch with my peers. To her it was better to be knowledgeable than into whatever was hip. Plus, she advocated being nice to everyone. Though you could get her mad if you tried hard enough and then it was just duck and cover. I differ in my views with being nice to everyone, though I try to be civil to everyone. Since being nice is like showing respect to me and that is something that is earned in my book.
            But she is also the reason I am such a mother hen so to speak whenever anyone gets sick. From how well she took care of me every time I got sick. I mean sure I had to be down in the basement and I got to watch television. But she made sure I stayed warm near the wood stove. As well as covered in a blanket. Plus, made sure I had plenty of juice and if I had a sore throat she would spoil me with a bit of ice cream at lunch. Since ice cream was normally reserved only for Sundays. And she gave me plenty of popsicles for my sore throat as well. And if I was really lucky some bonus chapters in the book we were reading during that breakfast time that month.
            She still spoils me to this day as well. Making sure I get a book and whatever else I ask for, for Christmas. And I try not to abuse that privilege by not asking for anything to out there like some grandkids might. Plus, I keep telling her to have me come out and help when there is yard work to be done, but she is more concerned with my studies. No matter how many times I tell her I can take a day off and do it at night. I do have one gift to ask for that she might refuse me though, but I will ask nicely and see. It is something sentimental to me really and nothing of material value. It is a copy of her recipes so I can be as good of a cook as she was to me.
            I suppose I have rambled enough for one day, but I guess you can tell how close me and Gram are. And she will come up again around summer time when I talk about camping. But for now feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want my posts to appear in your inbox enter your email address below where it says to follow by email. As for me it is back to studying. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study. *

1 comment:

  1. Aww I loved my grandma too. I am glad she makes you so happy!
