Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tuesday Coffee: Last Tuesday Of 2015

            Yes 2015 is coming to a close, surprising as it may seem to some. And it was a pretty good year overall. But there is always room for improvement. But when looking back over a year and looking forward to the next year you also have to be thankful for what you have as well. For 2015 I am most thankful for my family and friends who I consider family. I’m also thankful for the success I have had in the writing world as well as the academic world.
            So what am I planning for 2016 you might be wondering. Well for one I am going on Chantix and finally kicking my smoking habit. It’ long overdue that I do it and I know I can succeed this time. The second thing I am doing is getting my butt into a gym and getting into shape. And no it is not for anyone but me. I need to do this for my health. I’ve been big all my life and I probably always will be big. But I can be big and healthy at the same time. I want to be able to walk the city again like I used to be able to do and this is the route to doing that I believe. Third on my agenda is to simplify and master my schedule as well as get on top of deadlines. That means that the blog entries may be short at times since I will be under time limits on how long I spend writing them out.
            I will also be working on long term goals as well in 2016 aside from those attached to the school. I will be being published again in 2016 and am already at work the first deadline for it. But more long term than that I have a three major ideas I am working on. The first is working more on getting my magazine idea tentatively called Readers & Writers. It will basically be covering politics, science, literature, music, and history. As well a publishing short stories is my idea at this point. When it does startup it will be a quarterly publication until it picks up enough steam.
            But that is not all in my idea bin. I’m also working planning out a coffeehouse mainly themed for writers called The Writer’s Coffeehouse. Serving writer themed coffee treats and a variety of coffee flavors. As well as hot chocolate and probably some juices for when a writer has to bring the kids along. I don’t want to be responsible for stunting their growth after all. And we will have diet coke. My editor will get that. But that is not all since writers deserve to have a night life as well. And be able to work. So I figured opening a bar called The Comma would be a good idea as well. With writer themed alcoholic drinks and soda so that writers can take it easy through the night. Normally we would be playing upbeat yet laid back Jazz. But there would be a stage for poetry readings or songwriters to try out their songs.
            You have a couple of more days of guaranteed long posts from me before the changes take place but I am just giving you a head’s up. It’s about med time for me so for now leave your comments and questions below. And if you want my posts showing up in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I have some studying to do f I can before I have to take my meds. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the study. *

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