Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday Coffee: Your Turn Ladies

             I know I said I would be lecturing the ladies yesterday but I got caught up in cleaning. And my new bed arrived. Plus, I had some school work to do that is still being finished up this morning. And I’m still working on getting organized. But within a week roughly things should be running smoothly if all goes according to plan. Which I am hoping it does and plan to do everything I can to make sure it does. But last Wednesday I lectured the guys and left off saying the ladies would be next. And here we are, but ladies I’m not trying to be harsh here either.
            I mean after all ladies we do appreciate everything you do for us and to appear your best for us. But your natural beauty is gorgeous as well. You don’t need to cover yourselves in layers of makeup just to please us. We are happy with just your natural beauty. If you are doing it for you and to express yourselves, we understand. We even pay attention to your nails to see how you express yourselves. And it isn’t a bad thing if you don’t but we do hope you treat yourselves well as well. We just like to see you spoil yourself a little so we know we can spoil you a little.
            And please ladies never think when we take you out to dinner that you have to have just a salad. When we take you out to eat we want you to eat an enjoy. Guys don’t want sticks they want a woman with curves. They also like to spoil their woman as well. I know I do. We want you to have a good time when we take you out and not worry about diets or things like that unless it is a medical thing. Medical things are something neither guys nor ladies should ignore ever.
            Also ladies never feel like you can’t speak your mind. When we ask your opinion we truly want it. We don’t mind debating civilly. We enjoy exchanging ideas. It is how we grow as human beings. As well as learn about each other in general. Disagreements are bound to happen but they can be civil. And we can learn from them as well. That is an unfortunate thing that has been lost in politics in general as of late, the art of the civil debate. But it should not be lost between all men and women. And it should not be just about politics either. It can be about books, television, movies, etc.
            Ladies also don’t feel like you have to wear uncomfortable shoes to impress us. We want you to be comfortable and not risk breaking your necks just for a look. Wear what you like to wear and expresses your personality. Not every date has to be a black tie affair. And pretty much everything you wear shows off your looks lovely. Us guys should not be the only ones comfortable on a date you should be as well. Or even just hanging out. But if you like getting all dressed up fancy and it is you then so be it.
            Last but not least remember ladies these are my opinions from what I have heard from guys. It is not universal and you are freely welcome to disagree or agree with me. Feel free to leave comments and questions below. And if you want my posts to appear in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am off to get my second cup of coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the brewer. *

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