Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Time For A Fresh Start

            I know I have been away for several days, but things have been a bit chaotic. Between a cleaning overhaul of the apartment and my sleeping issues acting up I haven’t been up to writing much. But I am hoping to get up to a fresh start today as well as get caught up on school. Don’t gasp just yet I am only behind by one assignment. And for the next two weeks I expect to be out straight with school to a degree since my professor opened up the next three weeks’ worth of assignments completely. Allowing me to work at my own pace. So I am going to try and get ahead, even working through most of my holiday off.
            I’m hoping I can get everything done through week five by the time we get back from break and that the professor will then open the remaining weeks then. Or at least shortly after that. Yes, I’ve pretty much found my groove once more and I’m going full steam ahead with it. But don’t worry I will still take time for free writing and reading as well. Plus, I will be taking time to get out of the house a bit beyond just appointments. Thinking of hitting the movies a couple of times a week. And the library at least once a week. Depending on what is going on. As well as maybe going out for coffee here and there.
            Since going out for coffee would allow me to work at the same time and I find coffee relaxing. And I can combine coffee with the movies sometimes, or just do it on its own. Plus, I am going to work on going over to friends’ houses more often. Still trying to figure it all out but it will come to me eventually. I know I have a lot of options at my disposal for lack of a better way of saying it, but I have to figure out how to balance it all. That is the key to it all after all. But I am sure I will figure it out eventually, just have to listen to my gut a bit more. But for the most part it is going to have to wait till next week.
            Since for most of this week I am booked up fairly solid. Between deliveries and appointments along with projects going on it is just crazy. Luckily I have most of the blog mapped out for the week. There is still some that is in the dark but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. But today is the first step into a fresh start. And even with my sleeping issues acting up I am grabbing at it the best I can. I’m taking advantage of when I do have energy and trying to straighten out my sleeping pattern today.
            Hopefully I have enough coffee to keep me awake till late tonight so I sleep like I want to. I also seen my psychiatrist on Thursday and will be asking for another script for Melatonin. Hopefully that will help me sleep better at night. I’m going to try and make it work better this time. I’m making more of an effort than ever before to try and get more of my issues sorted out. It’s hard I admit but I know it is worth it.  
            So since I am getting this out so early hopefully there will be a double post today. No guarantees though other than I will do my best. And tomorrow it is the ladies turn to be lectured since I lectured the guys last week. Don’t worry ladies it won’t be that bad. But for now feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want to have my posts appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am going to get something more to drink and do some studying. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the kitchen. *

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