Friday, December 25, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Merry Christmas

            I know I’ve been absent the past few days, but it has been hectic around here with Christmas fast approaching. But tonight relaxing at my mom’s hose for Christmas Eve. Having a good time so far though it has had its moments. And I will be relaxing at some point but my mind is too occupied with ideas and things to work on still so I’ll be doing work for now. Something I am getting used to since starting college. I’m becoming a workaholic and understanding my dad a bit better as I have mentioned before. But even as I am becoming a workaholic I still take Christmas Day off from working. And I was just thinking how funny it is how our priorities for the holiday change as the years go by.
            As a kid I was more excited about Santa Claus and presents. Now I find myself more excited about getting to spend time with family talking over good food and drink. Sharing stories about things long past or just that we have done through the year. Don’t get me wrong I still like presents. But I am not as give me give me give as I used to be. I am more appreciative and make note of how the gift came to me for a future story to tell someone as well as the gift itself. I value the memories I make with my family every Christmas more and more as the years go by.
            Tradition on my dad’s side of the family is that we all set aside all of our differences and come together at my grandparents’ house for a meal together as well as gift giving. We sit and talk around the Christmas Fire that roars in the fireplace in the living room. Sometimes there is Christmas Music playing in the background. But it is the one time of the year I get to see most everyone on my dad’s side of the family though we are working on changing that so I get to see them more often. Hopefully with the new year that will come about.
            With my mother’s house it is more chaotic. There are people dropping in and out all day and calling as well. And virtually nothing goes off on time. But there is a more laid back feel to the day. Not such a schedule to stuff as there was when I was growing up at my grandparents’ house. Though in recent years they have gotten more laid back.  Both had the same rules about gifts though when I was growing up. You could open you stocking but you had to wait for everyone to be up and then gifts were handed out after breakfast. And then wherever you were at lunch time was the big meal of the day.
            I know this is super late today but been spending time with family and friends. And enjoying the time I have with them. And to those in heaven that are missed on this day that might be reading this somehow. Don’t think I ever forget about you. I still remember all the conversations we had and the stories that were told. You are still deeply missed and never forgotten. And I hope you are watching from above and seeing that I finally got my act together.
            I’m getting a bit misty eyed and you will hear from me a bit later on Friday. But for now enjoy the holiday with your family and friends and be merry please. Feel free to throw up comments and questions and well wishes in the comments below. And wherever you are today Merry Christmas from me and my family to you and yours. *Tips his hat and pops up the chimney. *

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