Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Reviews: Lightspeed Women Destroy Science Fiction

            I’m finally getting my first book review out in a long time. Took me a while, but it is finally happening. Anyways I finished Lightspeed: Women Destroy Science Fiction a little while ago and it was amazing. It is edited by Christie Yant who is guest editing for this special collector’s issue of Lightspeed Magazine, which is big yet manageable. It is filled with tons of great stories from women science fiction writers. Who are all extremely talented. The stories range from just futuristic to alien life forms to what ifs. It is all amazing to read. The interviews are also terrific and insightful as well.
            The editors under Yant took their responsibilities extremely seriously making sure to bring only the best of the best to this. They really show cased women’s talent in the science fiction genre in this edition of Lightspeed Magazine. I was constantly picking it up at every opportunity I got. It was what most would call a real page turner. I was constantly enthralled with every story I read and every interview I read as well. The stories had a great variation on theme as well as great variation on characters. And the characters were well developed as well.
            The interviews were thorough and right to the point. They showed off a lot of the behind the scenes to the stories as well. As well as letting readers know what to expect from the women if you liked what you read, which I would think the average reader did. Plus, they gave a little humor here and there where they could, which was nice to see. Too much seriousness can be a detraction from any interview. A bit of humor is always a good thing in interviews since it lightens the mood in my opinion.
            This special collector’s issue of Lightspeed Magazine proves that women are just as fit to write Science Fiction as men are. Plus, they add a real sense of feeling that some men miss at times. It also shows some of the other aspects of Science Fiction that most people don’t get to see as well, which is a great thing. Plus, you get a variety of characters to get to know. So taking all of those factors into account I am going to give this 4.5 stars out of 5.
            As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. If you want my posts to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I’m going to get some dinner and work on some school work. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the kitchen. *

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