Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tuesday Coffee: Another Year Older

            Yes, today is my birthday, and once more I am a year older. So today is a bit of a reflecting day on the blog. After all it is good to sit back once a year and take a look at what you have accomplished, and what you need to work on. Called it a kind of long term sort of meditation if you will. I’m just trying to think of where to start the reflection of my year of 33. And as I sit back and think of it as well as the season we are in the best place to start is probably with family.
            I’ve gotten closer to my family over the past year. Both on my mom’s side and my dad’s side. I’m feeling more like I belong now. There is still work to be done don’t get me wrong. But we are off to a good start. Still working on dealing with my past in counseling but both sides of the family have been extremely supportive of it. Plus, it helps that my dad is getting better about having phone conversations. And I am getting better at talking about things that interest him while intertwining them with what I like. So we are finding a balance in the conversation. Before her knee surgery me and mom were finding a way to see each other weekly, which was nice. I think I’m going to suggest my counseling days be a workout day for us come the new year.
            I’m not blind to the fact that I need to lose a fair amount of weight. And mom wants to go to the gym. It would be a good way to spend time together. I think it doesn’t work with Tim trying to do it for me is because I am so used to sitting around watching television and playing video games with him for the most part. I mean sure we have gone for walks to places on a whim, but the only regular place we went was a convenience store at night to stock up for the day back during the days and nights of the YMCA. That doesn’t take away from him being like a brother to me or being a big help to me where I am right now. But I am starting to realize I have to do something, so he did get that message through to me finally.
            And I know I need to get my affairs in order as the saying goes. Not because there is anything wrong with me, but because you never know what could happen tomorrow. So that means I will be sitting up late tonight writing out some things. And calling tomorrow, technically now today, to schedule a meeting with a lawyer. Something I should have done years ago, but just kept putting off. I’m working on not putting things off so tomorrow will be a day of phone calls and planning it seems. I’ve been trying on my own but I am falling short. And I know I am falling short especially after Monday.
            So now I need to figure out what I have for resources at my disposal right now and supports and how I can lean on them to get to where I want to be. It sucks because I thought I was doing better but first step to getting better is admitting there is a problem. Second step is doing something about it. I have some ideas and they will require some phone calls to see if they are possible. So tomorrow I will make some phone calls before I do the blog to see if these things are possible and update you, my readers, on what is going on.
            But for now I have some writing that needs to be done in case something does happen to me. But before I get to it I have to take some time to think. Since essentially what I am going to write will be my final words for this lifetime. Not that I am dying tonight just that they will be the final words of mine read after I am gone and they won’t be read before then by anyone but me as I change them as life goes on. But feel free to leave questions and comments below. As always if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am going to go get some soda and ponder what I want my last words to be. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the kitchen.*

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